Part 2

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That night, you're in your room on your phone. It's almost midnight and you still can't sleep, just like last night. You turn your phone off and place it on the nightstand next to your bed. You look up at the ceiling and start to cry. "Why can't I have a good life? Do I have to go through this alone? Why me? Someone, please help me. I need help." You turn over and cry into your pillow. You cry and sit up when you hear your dad comes into your room. "Y/n, you better shut the hell up before I make you. Go to sleep you whore." He says, hitting you with a glass bottle he had in his hand. The glass shatters and falls to the floor. "Jesus Christ you fucking baby." He says as he leaves your room and slams the door. You collapse back onto your bed and cry yourself to sleep. When you wake up, you go into the bathroom. You grab some band-aids and tend to your wound. You get ready for school and head downstairs. You don't wanna eat anything and just start to head out the door. Before you can make it fully out the door, your father grabs you by the wrist and pulls you into the house. "No, you're gonna stay here today, slut. I need my play toy."

                                                     ~At the school~

You have now missed all of your classes and practice. This is very unlike you. You always text Kiyoko or Yachi if you aren't gonna be there. "I'm kinda worried about Y/n. They didn't come in today." Hinata says with a worried tone. Kiyoko walks in the gym door and yells to Yachi, who is across the gym. "Yachi, they must be at home." Kiyoko yells with slightly watery eyes. "Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. You couldn't find them? Please tell me you're kidding. We should have helped earlier, why didn't we." Yachi runs over to Kiyoko with tears in her eyes. "What's going on?" Asahi asks, walking over to the girls. "Yeah, Kiyoko-San never cries or even yells." Says Tanaka as he jogs over. "We promised we wouldn't tell you guys." Yachi sobs. "This is a different circumstance, Yachi. It's okay." Kiyoko says, shedding a tear here and there. "Y/n has been getting bullied all their life because of their body shape and size. They just recently built up the courage to tell Yachi and I about their family issues. Their mom died when they were only six and their father has been raping and abusing them ever since. To top it all off, their brother took his own life just under four months ago. They didn't want us to say anything, but we need to save them from this hell and we should have done it way sooner." The whole team stood in shock for a minute. "That's why they were crying." Suga whispers to himself. "We need to get them." Daichi barely gets the words out of his mouth before Suga starts sprinting full-speed out the gym and down the road. He doesn't even care about getting hit by a car when he crosses the road. He only wants to know that you're okay. 'Oh my god. I'm so stupid. I should have been there. Stupid. Stupid. STUPID. I'm her neighbor for fucks sake. How could I not notice any of this.' Suga thinks to himself as he runs down the sidewalk. It takes him a good thirty minutes of running before he runs out of breath. Luckily, he is right around the corner to your house.

Tears steamed down your face as you scoot backwards on the hardwood floor. You're scooting away from your father, who is ready for another round after his "beer break". You stop scooting once you feel a cold wall on you bare back. Your father walks over to you and grabs you by your hair, pulling you up onto your feet. He flips you around, your chest now pressed against the wall. You feel the tip of his member barely touch your ass before a man comes running into the house. You have your eyes closed but the voice is unmistakable. "You better get the HELL off of them now." Suga says, marching close to your father. "Or what you weak little-" Your father doesn't even have time to finish his insult before Suga's fist comes into contact with his face, causing him to let you go. "I'll keep you safe." Suga softens his voice and gaze only when he looks at you. His stare hardens once he looks back at your father. Struggling to stand from both the alcohol and the punch. You slide against the wall and sit on the floor, bringing your knees to your chest. You watch as your father tries to punch Suga but instead, ends up getting pounded in the chest. The two of them go back and fourth until your father ends up on the floor, wincing in pain. Asahi and Tanaka are faster than the rest of the team, so they get there right when Suga finishes beating the shit out of your dad. "Take care of this bitch please." He says to the boys who came through the door. Suga immediately lifts you up, bridal style when his attention comes back to you and carries you upstairs to your bedroom. He sets you down on your bed and walks over to your closet. He throws some underwear, sweatpants, and a hoodie over to you. He doesn't say a word but just leaves, allowing you to get dressed. Once you finished, you quietly yell to Suga. He comes in with a box of tissues and some first-aid stuff. He takes one of the tissues and dabs your right temple with it. With him focused on your wounds, you can freely stare into your hero's silver cloud eyes. You spoke up, breaking the silence between you two. "Why would you help me? No one has ever cared about me at all. What makes you think I'm worth saving. I don't-" Your words were cut off by a crying Suga's warm embrace. You flinch at his sudden movements but hug back after a few seconds. His chin pressed onto the top of your head. Your hair is now wet with his tears. "Y/n, I care about you. I need you. You ARE worth saving. You're worth more than the universe to me. I love you, Y/n, so much." What you hear come from Suga causes you to freeze and start to cry again. With your head pressed gently against his neck, he can feel your tears trickle down his neck and chest. "I-I love y-you, too." He adjusts his hands, placing them on the arch in your lower back and separating your upper half from his. He slowly starts to close the gap between your two faces, shifting his gaze from your eyes to your lips. He stops around an inch away from your face and looks into your eyes. You give him a little nod, signifying it's okay to kiss you. He gently yet firmly presses his lips to yours. You feel heat over your whole body. His lips feel like clouds on yours. You want to stay like that forever. He pulls away. "I love you, sugar." He plants one last kiss on your lips before pulling away and continuing to tend to your cuts and bruises. Once he is finished he picks you up and carries you down the stairs, bridal style.

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