Part 3 My Hero

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When you both reach the bottom of the stairs, you see the whole team in the living room of the house. Yachi is hugging Kiyoko, who is trying to keep herself calm. Asahi has your dad pinned to the floor while Tanaka and the rest of the team are taking turns spitting insults and slapping him. Suga walks to the couch, setting you down and sitting next to you. Yachi, Kiyoko, Hinata and Yamaguchi are the first to get to you when they see you. They all practically drown you with hugs and affection before Suga pushes them off. "Give them a little space, god." The back off a little, still close though. The rest of the team walks over, everyone except for Tanaka and Noya, who have your father on the ground still. They all ask the same questions and you keep giving the same answers. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine." "Why didn't you tell us?" "I didn't want to burden you." They stand there, comforting you for the next five minutes before the police come in through the door. You didn't expect the police to show up. "I called the police. Your dad should be going to prison." Daichi says to you. After the police take your father away, you spent the rest of the day with the team at the park. Finally, it was time for everyone to go home. Soon, it was just you and Suga left at the park. It was 6:30 and the sun was just barely visible over the horizon. Suga was looking directly into your (Eye color) eyes as your heart beat faster. He walked to you, grabbing you by the shoulders and pulling you into his warm embarrass. He rest his head on yours and stand there, with you in his arms. You hug back almost immediately, closing your eyes and resting your tired self in his strong arms. After what seems like an eternity, Suga releases one hand from your back, moving it to your chin and lifting your head which was previously buried in his chest. He once again stares into your soul with his clear, grey orbs. He closes the gap slowly, enjoying every moment that he has with you. His soft lips lightly pressing up onto yours. The kiss sent chills down your spine, warming every part of your body. The kiss got slightly more intense for a second before he pulled away to look at you once again. "You can stay at my place if you want to. I can sleep on the couch and you can have my bed. My dad is almost never home and my mom is pretty okay with everything as long as it's legal." You don't even take a second to think about it before agreeing. "Of course. Thank you for all you have done for me. I love you, my hero." You burry your head into his comforting and reassuring chest.

                                                           "I love you, too, sugar."

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