300 Followers! Bakugo's Turn

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A/n: Thank you all for 300 followers!! I'm so happy and I'm so glad so many of you enjoy my writing! 🥰💞


The doorbell rang as I cleaned the dishes. I tilted my head in confusion.

Who's ringing the doorbell? It's the middle of the day.

Slowly, I crept up to the front door and peeked through the window to see who it was. My jaw dropped.

Disbelief made me open the door. "Um, hi," I said awkwardly.

"Where the fuck is this?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"I said what I said, I need to know where the fuck I am."

I pursed my lips. Is he just some crazy cosplayer who follows his character exactly, or is he the real thing?

There's no way this is who I think it is.

Well, there was one way to find out.

I tightened my grip on the door. "I'll help you out if you show me your quirk."

"Ha??" He questioned.

"C'mon, Bakugo Katsuki. Show me your fucking quirk before I slam this fucking door in your face." Despite the fear in my throat, I kept my voice steady.

Bakugo smirked, making my heart skip a beat. "Sounds like a challenge."

He held out his hand, allowing a small explosion to simmer in his palm. "Does this prove it enough to you?"

I gulped. "Y-Yeah, come in. . . Explain what the fuck a fictional character is doing on my fucking porch."
"Who is this dumbass?" Bakugo asked, his voice quiet. It's good to know that in his third year, he has chilled out a significant amount, even though he is no less violent.

I sank into my desk chair with a sigh. "That's Felix. We broke up a couple of months ago."

"What, so no boyfriend?" He teased.

I pretended to glare at him before turning back to look at the ground.

I heard Bakugo sit on the bed. "Why would a picture of your fucking ex still be on your wall? You still care about him?"

"No," I said quickly, like an automated response. "He hurt me bad."

A part of me was surprised when Bakugo sat and listened as I told him the story of how Felix and I broke up. I expected him to interrupt or something, but he was silent.

I'm not about to cry and embarrass myself in front of Bakugo Katsuki.

I was still surprised when he let a moment of silence hang in my room. I took a deep breath.

Eventually, he demanded, "Give me your phone."

My eyebrows scrunched in confusion as I looked up at him. "What?"

He held his hand out. "You heard me. Do it."

Slightly nervous, I gently placed my phone in his hand. He proceeded to hold it up and take a picture of the two of us. I wasn't prepared. "Hey!" I complained as he handed the phone back over. "At least warn me if you're going to take a picture of me!"

"Quiet, dumbass, your family will hear you."

I glared at him. "Why the fuck did you take a picture of us??"

"Simple," He smirked again, his face pink. "To replace the ones with Felix. How are you supposed to move on if you see him all the time?"

Dumbfounded and a little flustered, I mumbled something incoherent as I averted my eyes. I hope he doesn't see the blush on my face.

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