Park Jimin

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It had only been 72 hours since your father had been killed. 3 long days of moving, yelling, and lots of blood. In those 72 hours, you had gotten married. It of course wasn't your choice, but here you were, married to Park Jimin.

Park Jimin was a name you had heard quite a few times from your father. He had tried to keep you sheltered from the whole mafia world but there was only so much he could do since he was the right-hand man to an ally of Jimin's mafia. Your mother was only part of the mafia through your father when she married him. She knew what she was getting into and loved him enough to accept it. 

But now that your father had been killed, it changed some things. That meant there wasn't any solid protection for you since there was a war going on now. The mafia your father was a part of had too many things to stress about and you were the least of their concerns. You knew this since your mother had begged for protection for you. Having no other place to go, she went to Park Jimin.

From all the things you had heard about him, he was a cold and calculated leader. He wouldn't get his hands dirty, making sure it was his minions who did his work. He had also grown up in that world since his father was the leader before him. He had died when Jimin was young but that didn't stop Jimin from taking over. If anything, it encouraged him to seize the position.

In the one time you had seen him, just looking into his brown eyes sent chills down your spine. It had looked like you were looking into dark pits of fury. You had seen something underneath all that fury but you couldn't quite pin what it was you had seen. Because of that, you didn't dare look at him in the eyes again if you didn't have to.

After that first time of meeting him, Jimin thought it was quite amusing to see you not willing to look him in the eyes. He would usually relish in the fact that someone was scared of him, but he only found you to be cute. It wasn't a word he thought he would be using at the current moment or ever, but here he was.

Those weren't the only thoughts he had of you though. Jimin also saw you as a strong woman. You were holding up much better than he would expect you to following the days after your father's death. You also seemed kind with how you treated his men. Asking if they were all right or if they needed anything. He could see that his own men were warming up to you. The cherry on top for Jimin was that you weren't bad on the eyes. If anything, he found you very pretty.

At the current moment, you and Jimin were being transported to the safe house you would be staying at for the time being. You had just gotten officially married with the documents and all. You even had a ring that fit perfectly on your left ring finger. It was indeed a nice ring, delicately made and someone with taste had chosen it. 

Sitting in the car with Jimin made you feel a bit out of place. He had barely spoken a word to you and had had a stoic expression the whole time at the courthouse. He didn't even have a glint of anything in his eyes but the fury you saw first met him! That left a bad taste in your mouth so you decided to just ignore him the best you could, he did have a bit of a reputation after all.

As you nervously watched the passing streets, Jimin was watching you. He found it a bit interesting that you, someone who hadn't grown up in the same world as him, wasn't being hysterical. He had seen it happen enough times with other people, but not you. After another 20 minutes, you had finally arrived somewhere in the woods.

The car pulled to a stop on a dirt road in front of a cozy small cabin. At the front door, you could see mafia members standing guard. It made you feel safe but uneasy you needed it for your protection. 

The door to the car suddenly opened, the cold air hitting your face. The driver held his hand out to help you out and you took it. Went you stepped out, you realized Jimin was already out and speaking to one of his subordinates. That made you a bit better you wouldn't have to deal with him immediately.

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