Kim Namjoon

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It had happened. You were now a married woman. Married to someone who you had only known a few months ago. A few months was never enough time to get to know someone completely, let alone get married to them. But you didn't have a choice. Your father needed someone to strengthen his business ties and what better way to do it than a marriage alliance. The man he wanted an alliance with had a son and you were your father's only child. You really did have no say in the whole decision.

The whole wedding was grand and big, exactly what your family-in-law would throw with how much money they had. Your father's company was much smaller than theirs. You honestly didn't know how they had agreed to do an alliance with a small company like your fathers.

You were currently in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet seat and not wanting to go out to the living room area of the hotel room where Namjoon was. You were on your honeymoon after the wedding and you had been in the bathroom for the last ten minutes. 

He must really be wondering what I'm doing.

There were a few times that your parents had sent you out to "get to know each other", but you both were too awkward and you would usually find an excuse to leave, leaving him alone wherever the two of you had met up.

Taking a deep breath and putting your hands through your curled locks from the wedding, you get up from the toilet seat ready to go and face Namjoon. It wasn't like you had any other choice, this was expected of you to do. 

Putting your hand on the doorknob, you hear a crash somewhere in the living room. You then hear a man's voice curse. Quickly opening the door and running out, you see Namjoon trying to clean something off the floor, his back to you. Slowly stepping towards him, you see pieces of glass and popcorn on the floor. 

"Ow!" yells Namjoon. Turning your eyes back to him, you see him holding his finger which now had a cut on it. On instinct, you crouch down to him and grab his hand to inspect it. Namjoon gives a surprised face, his eyebrows raised and eyes wide. While looking at his finger, you see it was just a shallow cut and a band-aid would do, no glass was in it thankfully.

"You should wash this cut and get a band-aid, Namjoon," you say to him, finally looking at him, "I'll clean this up so you don't get cut again."

Namjoon nods and starts to get up. Before going off to wash out his cut, he turns to you and says, "Thank you, Y/N," with a dimpled smile. It made your heart flutter a bit whether you wanted to admit it or not. It was quite cute and you wondered what it would be like to poke his dimples.

You then get up and head to the kitchen area. Grabbing a broom you start sweeping the mess up, seeing that the popcorn had now gone to waste. Once you were done, Namjoon had come out with a band-aid on his finger. He walks up to you, keeping a good distance away, and says, "Sorry for making that mess, I'm just a very clumsy person is all."

"It's fine, no one got seriously injured so it's all good," you reply, giving him a small smile. He returns it with his own, the dimples showing again.

"But what exactly was the popcorn for, that looked like a lot more than for one person," you ask him.

Namjoon starts to rub the nape of his neck before answering, "I, well, I just thought we could watch some movies or something on the couch with some popcorn. Since we're not exactly a normal couple, let's start to get to know each other more," Namjoon ends with, looking at you hopefully.

You couldn't help but feel flattered. Even though he could easily just pretend you didn't exist, or even not be here and somewhere else, he chose to stay with you. That meant a lot to you since you were scared he would be a mean, rich brat that you had to deal with for the rest of your life. But he wasn't, and you couldn't help but want to see more of this.

"I wouldn't mind doing that, Namjoon, it sounds like a fun idea," you responded.

"That's great! I'll go pop more popcorn then!" Namjoon exclaimed. You were about to let him go and get popcorn until you remembered him saying he was clumsy. You then quickly said, "No, let me do it, I don't want another bowl to break."

Namjoon stops mid-step and says, "Oh yeah, you're right. I'll just pick some movies then, get the couch ready and comfortable."

Namjoon walks out of the kitchen, his tall frame passing by you and you realized you only reached barely to his shoulders.

You then walked into the kitchen and start popping the popcorn in the microwave. Looking around for a new bowl, you found a sizable plastic one to make sure it couldn't break. If Namjoon somehow broke this, you didn't know what you would do.

Once you were done, you went out to find Namjoon already on the couch with a blanket and the remote. A few seats away from him, you saw another blanket meant for you. Sitting down, you looked over and saw the popcorn, but it was too far for you to reach.

"Namjoon," you said.

"Hmm?" he replied.

"How are we supposed to share the popcorn if I'm that far away?" you asked with a brow raised.

Namjoon blushes and then says, "Well, I thought you would want space and it's fine, I don't like popcorn that much anyway."

It was kind of him to think of you to not want to be too close to him, but the way he was looking at the popcorn said otherwise to him not liking it. From how Namjoon had treated you this night, you didn't think he was that bad, much less having ill intent with you. Walking over to where your seat was supposed to be, you grabbed the blanket and went over to Namjoon. Sitting yourself down and handing the popcorn bowl to a stunned Namjoon, you placed the blanket on yourself. 

Looking over at Namjoon, you said, "Now you can enjoy your popcorn that you just oh so hate"

He gives a smile again, his dimples showing even more prominently and says, "Thank you, Y/N, it means a lot."

You wave him off and then say, "Just start the movie, it's not a marathon unless you watch at least 3 movies and it's already 10." 

He nods and presses play on the movie. Halfway through, you feel yourself starting to lean against Namjoon, getting more comfortable on the couch with him. Once the second movie started, Namjoon had his arm around your shoulder. Surprisingly, you didn't mind one bit, if anything you enjoyed it. You felt that maybe, just maybe, this marriage wouldn't be such a terrible thing. You felt something calming, yet warm with Namjoon. It was hard to describe, but it made you feel much better with Namjoon around.

Smiling to yourself and your thoughts, Namjoon notices and asks, "What are you smiling about, nothings even happened in the movie yet."

You shake your head and say, "Nothing, I'm just happy being here right now."

Namjoon doesn't say anything for a bit, but then says, "Yeah, I am too."


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