♡♥|Yuri admits to committing tax fraud|♥♡

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(Sorry for not posting in a while, got #grounded 😎)

(Sorry for not posting in a while, got #grounded 😎)

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you read the title, get to reading.


"so yurriii... got anyone you like?"

"no but i have committed tax fraud on 16 separate occasions"

   Those were the words that landed Yuri Kagarin in jail.

  And boy did it fucking suck here. It was cold, smelly, dangerous, and worst of all, only inhabited by,, men

*yuri barfs*

Disgusting ew gross


He hates this place. He wold often think about how he got here in the first place. His fury being the only thing keeping him going. Also thoughts of pretty women. Which he can't see here?? Another reason to despise this place.

  Oh back to the part about him thinking about how he got here he's gonna do that again for the sake of this oneshot boom flashback go


It was a beautiful day outside, the non existent birds were chirping, the flowers were blooming. It's always on days like this where something goes wrong.

  Of course, the weather never did change on the island, and considering there situation, he didn't give a shit. In fact, today had been quite an amazing day for Yuri. He had a lovely conversation with Sora, which was great because Sora was Woman, and women pretty awooga

  He could have never guessed he would end up in jail by nightfall.

   It was 6:00 pm when he had gotten a group notification from Setsuka, the beauty, the grace.

Ayo we're gonna be playing some truth and dare on the besch ltr tonight and y'all should come lol


Several others have agreed.



  Yuri starts fucking running towards the sandy sand place, which I've already named not to long ago and would sound weird If said again. Anyways, he do be runnin. Like, just bolting there. Real fast. I think he ran over some people. I think they're dead. Wait nvm it was just Yuki he's already dead on the inside anyways doesn't count.

   He arrived at the beach in only 69 seconds. This is the true power of the ultimate Simp.

"Oh shit waddup" the bluenette (or whatever other writers are calling them) beauty spoke

Yuri looked around. It seemed everyone was already here, despite him running faster then dads going out to buy milk. Even Yuki, which he thought he had murdered (with no regret obv) and Wow so many pretty wamons here awooga but gross males here too ewww

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