Chapter 2

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Tony is alive... not dead... the gods know... Annabeth is gonna kill him.

"Hey, annabeth don't kill him outright please? let's let him explain first, please?" I begged of her, she can get mean when she gets mad... I should know.

"FINE, I won't kill him on sight, besides i'm pretty sure he's hiding something and I want to know what." she gave me one of her scary glares. I could see the gears in her brain working overtime trying to figure it out.

I sighed "Come on, lets go to bed we can figure it out tomorrow... So much for my cookies." I grumbled that last part


Tony's POV

well that went better than expected. time to hit the hay. CRAP the tower's gonna be destroyed again


'Sir, there are two old aquaintces downstairs saying you invited them'

I looked outside an saw the sun barely up. Why are they here already? "Thank you Jarvis, let them up."

'Right away sir'



"Percy, Percy look at this building, it looks amazing, I mean... Why did I not realize this before? I'm an idiot"

"No, you're not, that would be my job" Percy replied standing next to me. "And tell me what brought you to this conclusion?"

"The only person who could have designed something like this is a child of athena. Let's go I want answers that only he can provide. And yes, I promise to not castrate him on sight. He better be up, if not well he should be awake by now anyways."

'May I help you?'

"Who's there?" I feel percy tense up next to me and reach into his pocket.

'I am Jarvis an AI system how may I be of assistance?'

"We're old friends of Tony's now tell him to get his glutimus maximus up before I kick it to next week.

'Right away'


'Master will see you now, just move into the elevator straight ahead if you will. Have a good day.'

we stepped onto the elevator waiting to be deposited to Tony, the elevator stopped and I heard him saying something 'No... here... early...' Who is he talking to "TONY, YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD REASON AS TO WHY I AM JUST NOW FINDING YOU ALI-" I stop mid tirade to see a bunch of strange people in front of us. "Oh, i'm sorry I didn't realize dear Tony had guests"

I Look at Percy to see him slackjawed "bu-but yo-your-you're DEAD I watched you DIE" I just stared at him til he looked at me, the look on my face must have shocked him from whatever he was in cuze he starts walking up to someone, grabs their hand and judo flips him "YOU LET ME THINK YOU DEAD, why?"

I looked closely at who he flipped suprise it wasn't Tony, I saw someone start to get up so I looked at him closely..."FURY? You too?" I whispered and ran to him and hugged him, I heard intakes of breath

"how are you owlet?" He asked me knowing the effect it had on me, I stepped back glared at him, and slapped him as hard as I could, which just ask percy, is pretty hard.

"No, you don't get to call me that at least not yet, I want answers, and I want them now. Don't even try it Clint I can still kick your podex into next week with your arrows intact." He had gotten up and tried to sneak up on me, but after being at camp for so long I have gotten better with my hearing.

"I don't doubt you could, I just wanted to give you a hug."

"Nope only hugs I allow are from Nicky and my husband."

The trio just looked at me and it looks at Percy "Husband? Mom actually gave you her blessing?" Tony asked incredously.

"Yeah about that... we kind didn't tell her until after the ceremony, let's just say we owe Aphro BIG time. Besides we're not here for me, we're here asking why you lied to us." before we were able to get into a full blown argument one of the others stepped in, she had red curly hair, and cold eyes that would make the newbs run away in fear.

"Will someone please explain what is going on?" she demands of us.

"Did Tony here not say anything of our arrival, or Mr.Hawkeye, or even- wait nevermind about Fury that wouldn't surprise me he's always been secretive." I think of something from when we were in camp that would always get him to spill. Nicky sees the look in my eye and starts shaking his head, he knows what I am thinking.

Heads are going back and forth between us. Percy, Clint, and Tony get a knowing look in their eye. I am the only one allowed to do this "Oh, Nicky" I say in a sing-songy voice

"Owlett NO you are not allowed to go there" I just snort at him

"Since when do I get my orders from you last I checked both Percy and I are higher than you, I mean I could even get- Oh There you are we were just talking about you" I say looking over his shoulder into the shadows. Nothing is really there but, he doesn't need to know that Percy starts snickering knowing what I am doing.

"Now Nick why didn't you tell us sooner you didn't die? And if you didn't want us to know why contact us now?" He just stares at me and I glare back he flinches at my look reminding me of the little boy he used to be



I watch as my wise girl talks knowing I will be no help I did my part already by flipping Clint he and I were really close. Not as close as Nick an annie wer-are though. I just sat back and watched these peoples reactions, and I realized there was only three that I didn't know... The first was the woman who initially spoke, she had some red hair but I believe RED's is redder, then there was this man who looked like an everyday doctor, and lastly a guy who dressed like the forties.

When I noticed Annabeth was staring Fury down I decided to give him some reprieve "Thor, nice to see you again." All eyes turned on me.

I noticed Annabeth taking in her surroundings, then asking one thing "HOW?"

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