Chapter 3

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Once Percy distracted Annabeth, she took in her surroundings and asked one thing "HOW?"

"It's all up here" I replied tapping my head

"But, how, even having both Leo and I with most of his cabin working on it we couldn't figure it out" I just stared at her then I remembered we are in the middle of the team their not used to me backing down

"You sure your mom's kid?" I realized that was the wrong thing when Clint, Fury, and Percy winced at Annabeth's glare.



I saw her glare Tony is the only one who can't quite take her glares "Owlett calm, down, he's just messing with you, we have guests by the way." I redirected her attention, and saw Tony bow his head in remorse for saying that.



I can't believe he would say something like that... Wait yes I can it's Tony, I glare at him until I hear "Owlett, calm down, he's just messing with you. We have guests by the way."

"It seems you do, do you want to introduce me, us?"

I hear a snort behind me then "You said do do"

"As immature as always Tony" I reply back

"As much as I would love to hear you bicker all day, I think we have things to talk about, not starting with that ring and the fact that Percy is stuck to you like Tony and his suits"

I hear Percy start "Dude you finally got one working? Leo is still having trouble with it, he is going to be soooo pissed you got it up and running before he did."



Dang, I can't believe it I hear the forties man speak up "what do you mean finally, and just one, please he has like forty, in his workshop, right now."

"Oh man Leo is going to go nuts when he finds out"

"Umm actually..." Clint starts"... Leo won't be finding out, just you guys" he winces

"Why? Why can't we tell them"

"That, Percy is what we need to talk to you about. The only ones who know are you two, and Chiron."

no. no. no. N- I am cut off from my thoughts

"NO." I am surprised it came from Annabeth as that one word was my thoughts"How do you expect us to keep this a secret after Greece we promised no secrets, they nearly destroyed us"

"Owlett, we expect this because of RED"

"Does she know too?" I am watching them go back and forth like a tennis match.

"No, she probably thinks that we are dead like you used too, unless she has had any freaky paintings."

Annabeth just beaks, and it breaks me too, the last time either of us was like this was after our last flash backs which was almost a year ago, and even then we only got them sparingly. She more so than me.

Then she started to go pale"Crap! Annabeth stay with me, it's ok we're no longer down there we're out you and me forever. Never again, we have that promise grow old and die together, remember our wish." her color comes back and there are tears in her eyes.

"Percy we were falling again" then she starts sobbing hysterically. Tony, Clint, and Fury have that look in their eye, like they are pissed for letting this happen like it's their fault. "Thor how are your parents? and Loki? Did he go there?"

"Perseus" I winced, but let him continue "My father and mother fare well, my brother so to say is not as well, and yes, that time has come and gone, Midguard has never been safer." He said in that booming voice of his.

Knowing the double meaning in his words I nodded, then looked down at Annabeth asking with my eyes if she was good, she nodded. I let go of her and sat on a couch with Annabeth perched on my lap. "Clint why don't you introduce us to your friends and girly-friend" I said with a wicked gleam in my eye. I've gotten better at reading people.

"She isn't my girlfriend!" Clint replied with a beet red face.

"No? could've sworn there was something there. You do know I'm not as much of a kelp head as Thalia so fondly calls me."

"That's right, now stop with the ADHDness and get to the introductions." Annabeth replied almost eagerly.



Those two right back into the swing of things.

Nicky decides to start with the introductions "This is Steve Rodgers, also known as Captain America." He says pointing at the forties man. Pointing at the doc "Next is Bruce Banner also known as The Hulk. Last, but not least Natasha Romanov, Black Widow" I shivered at that last one, spiders.Fury just grinned knowing how it would affect me.

"Really Fury? Do you get some sick pleasure of creeping me out, Tony don't even go there, I will get Clarisse, or I could get Thalia. If you prank either of us, same to you Clint, and Fury, even though your less likely to, I. Will. Contact. Stolls. Got it, same goes for the others."

Fury just grins knowing that my pranks are spectacular when combined with the stolls. "Got it, but you do realize that those three don't know right?"

"Don't care they get the same fate as those who know, and how have they not found out, I mean the boys I can understand, but her how has she not figured it out?"



I sit here taking everything in. I was about to start introductions myself when

Fury started the introductions "Steve Rodgers, also known as Captain America." He says pointing at the Rodgers, next he Pointed at Bruce "Next is Bruce Banner also known as The Hulk. Last, but not least Natasha Romanov, Black Widow" he said last. I watched Annabeth shiver.

I sit watching everything until I hear Annabeth say "and how have they not found out, I mean the boys I can understand, but her how has she not figured it out?" pointing at me.

I look at her then the three buffoons "What haven't I figured out yet?" I ask as I see them visibly gulp.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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