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Louis POV:

*buzz buzz buzz*
"Oh fucks sake" I bring my phone up to my ear
"Hey mate what's wrong with you" I hear Liam say on the other line
"Oi! You've just woke me up and your asking me what's wrong?"
"Alright chill out but you've gotta be up anyways we have uni today first day back"
"Ugh shit your right,I uh-"
My voice gets cut of my with my phone ringing again and it's zayn
"-mate Zayn's calling I'll call you back alright"
"Ugh okay I'll see you later"
I hang up and call Zayn back
"Hello Zayn" i say in annoyance
"Louis what do I wear I have to looks good I'm gonna see Liam today"
"Mate chill out i just woke up"
"Louis what do I wear! How do I do my hair!-"

I hang up well because its way to early for this

I yawn and stretch then I get up and go to have a shower.

I get out of the shower and go to get dressed and grab a red sweater, black jeans, and some vans
I mean that looks alright

I run downstairs to find mum Mark, Daisy, Pheb, Lottie, and Fizzy sitting at the table

"Morning" I mumble quietly and look at my phone

Shit I'm late

"Mm Louis how did you sleep at almost 11 o'clock last night" mark says bitterly
I roll my eyes walk over to the girls and give hugs then walk to mum give her a kiss on the cheek and say bye

"We'll continue this when you get home Louis Tomlinson!"
"No we won't!!" And with that I chuckle and walk out side

I get in the car and begin to drive to get to Zayn's house to pick him up when i get there he is running to my car but then he disappears....

No way

I start dying!!!

I roll down my window and yell

"Mate what the fuck don't run so fast!!"
As Zayn gets into the car with swear words falling out of his mouth
"Mate is my outfit dirty now I can't look bad today!?!?"
"Z you look fine alright we need to pick up Liam"
Zayn yells and I need to close my ears because of how loud it is
"Zayn bloody hell its 8:45"
"We are picking up Liam?!?"
"Yes I told you this"
I start backing out of the drive way and give my phone to Zayn
"Call Liam please"
Zayn unlocked my phone and calls Liam straight away
"Louis what's up"
"Li i'm on my way with Zayn be ready alright"
"Ugh he's there??"
"Li I told you I was picking him up then you"
"ugh Fine"
Liam hangs up

I look at Zayn and see him looking down

"Mate look at me alright what's wrong with you now"

"I just don't understand why he doesn't like me"
"It's not that he doesn't like you, it's because your high class"
"You are too" he smacks my chest
I chuckle
"Yeah but how can anyone not like me with my blue eyes and brown hair" he smacks me on the back of my head and we start laughing

I pick up Liam the car ride wasn't too bad, and we start pulling into campus...


Ugh I start uni today.
And I know your probably like Harry you should be excited...well I'm not okay don't be mad

I could not sleep at all last night I just kept thinking about what my dad did to my mom
To Gemma
To me
To my mom
How could he do such a thing to the people he loves

...maybe he's lying about loving us like he did to my mom...
Anyways now I'm getting up because I've gotten a text a couple minutes ago from Niall saying he's coming to pick me up
..And well I'm still in boxers...

I don't care about how I look so I just throw on a long sleeve black shirt and some black skinny jeans on...I throw my purple trainers on and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and try to tame my crazy curly hair, being quiet because Gemma is asleep

Gemma works part time at the book store and the weekends she works at a thrift shop from 11-4 it's a short amount of time she works but she wants to be at home as much as possible before she has to move

My mum works at the mental hospital
Yeah I know it sounds a bit bad but she works there because she likes to think it helps others
I'm now getting a text from Niall saying he's here and if I don't get outfit within 5 minutes he's laying on his horn

Little shit

I grab my bag and rush out the door and see the little Irish boy
"Took you long enough" he says
"Oh fuck off Nigel" I shout and he chuckles
"Alright Harry mate let's go"
When we get into the car I rush and grab the aux cord
"Mate give it back" Niall says
Niall groans in annoyance
"Oh fucks sake your so annoying, fine play the damn music" he says
I smirk to myself knowing that I won And that I'm gonna get a good reaction when I put the song on

Dancing queen by ABBA

I look over and Niall is slowing grinning and I start smacking his arm and laughing

A couple of songs later we are at the campus and we get out look at each other and groan



I love you for infinity&lt;3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن