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Ash- Trama, Calum- General, Micheal- Pediatric Luke- General 

Kaycee's POV 

       It was the next morning and I was working again, doing my usual rounds but it felt different today knowing I would be chief in a few days even if it was just for a few days. I scrubbed into another solo surgery which was not as successful as last time, the patient had a brain bleed from a rough fall. He did well in surgery but many people are not able to make a full recovery from an injury that traumatic. 

    I was finishing up some paperwork, and charting for doctor Brown before lunch, I wanted to read up on all his patient histories so nothing was a surprise Monday morning. Of course, the boys flew into the room once their break started. 

" Hey guys," I said looking down at the paper 

Ashton and Micheal were the first people to come in Micheal returned my hello and Ashton put his hand under my chin and pushed my head up so he could kiss me. Luke came into the room followed by Calum a few minutes later. 

" My surgeries today were all hard ones, like emotionally hard" Calum laid into his chair 

" Me too" I sighed 

" There was a little girl, her appendix ruptured and the ER doctor under-estimated the pain she wasn't put into surgery till almost 3 hours later. He's in the chief's office currently." 

" What kinda doctor is he? Thinking a girl doesn't know when something is wrong." Luke said shaking his head 

" She's okay now thankfully, I just gave her an ice pop" 

" Thank god" I added 

" I had a patient with a brain bleed I don't know if he will ever make a 100% recovery," I said looking back to the books in front of me 

Ashton put his hand on mine. 

" That's not your fault Kay, your surgery was successful with time everything will be better" 

" Yeah. I need something chocolate does anyone need anything?" 

" I could second the chocolate thing," Micheal said raising his hand 

I smiled and nodded grabbing us chocolate chip cookies from the cafeteria. I handed him the cooking earning a hug back. 

" How's Bailey doing?" Micheal asked 

" She's doing amazing, the tumor is shrinking we think only about 3 more chemos till remission. Her mom already planned a trip to Paris she's so happy. " I smiled 

" That's awesome, Logan won't stop talking about her. It's so cute" He smiled 

" He came around the other day, he seems like a nice kid." 

" Very much so, he just got admitted long term." 

I frowned at the statement, they should be living their lives not living here long-term. 

He went to speak but my pager went off stopping him. 

" I got to go, sorry guys," I said running out of the door and into the hallway 

Brown needed me for surgery, the patient went under for epilepsy surgery to hopefully treat seizures but they found an infection, which needed to be removed immediately. I scrubbed in quickly and made my way next to Dr. Brown. 

" I'm here sir" 

" Kaycee, thank god. I need you to help me stop the bleeding" 

" on it," I said taking command and asking the nurse for supplies. 

After a lot of work, I managed to stop the bleed allowing Brown to remove the infection. We finished successfully after all the complications sending the patient to recovery. The surgery took over 6 hours and my feet ached more than anything. I felt like I was about to fall over. 

I scrubbed out with Dr. Brown as he talked about the case 

" Good work doctor, your shift was over almost 3 hours ago so go get some sleep. You need it as do I, see you tomorrow" 

" Goodnight doctor" 

I exited the room and headed for my locker to grab my bag and headed to my car making my way home. I unlocked the door and threw my keys on the counter, I needed two things at the moment to sit and to eat food. I flopped down onto the couch as the boys walked out of the kitchen. 

" long surgery?" Luke asked 

" No shit, I can't feel my feet," I said throwing my shoes off 

" Hangery as well" Ash laughed 

He grabbed my hand and led me to the stools in the kitchen, handing me a bowl of pasta. I ate it as they talked amongst themselves 

" I'm sorry I cursed at you," I said looking at Luke much sweeter than I spoke to him before 

" It's okay" he laughed at my mood change 

" I love you all but respectfully, I want to go to bed," I told them putting my bowl in the sink and jumping into Ashton's bed. 

He didn't notice till almost a half-hour later but I pretended to be asleep so he couldn't make me leave. 

" I know you're awake, but I love you too much to make you leave," he said smiling and pressing a kiss on my forehead. 

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