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-The rebirth of a soul in a new body.


“You know she will not come easy.”

Idril paused, the essence of another elf slowly drifting towards her. She was resting in the Room of Knowing in Alfheim, glancing through the pools that held the future of two humans in particular.

“I know not what you mean, Cleffel.”

He floated closer, his light mingling with hers as they glanced down into the future. “I believe you do. You’ve been quite focused on their path for some time, so I do not understand why you refuse to believe she wouldn’t help us.”

“It isn’t as if we have wronged her.” Idril started slowly, raising the pool she was looking at closer to them. “If anything, we have helped her and her brother come to terms with their true power. And as I told those humans who intervened before, she is more powerful than any of them realize.”

“Humans minds are too concerned with their own environment.” Cleffel snorted, pushing away the pool and pulling up another. “They know not what we mean when we speak of power. They think she belongs solely to them, on that planet.”

Idril remained silent, knowing he was right. Instead, she brought forth another pool, one that showed the young girl facing a large and gruesome beast, whose image itself was enough to make the light grow dimmer in the room.

“Yes, I know she has a great evil to face.” Cleffel said, making the image disappear. “And I realize that this will be the first time she helps save another world. But her future resides with more than just a world or two. And she will not come willingly to help when all of her ties reside on her home planet.”

“But maybe if we showed her!” Idril argued, reaching forward to pull up a distant pool, one far from the Earth images. “If we sent her, showed her what she was truly meant to do. Then, she and her brother would be more than willing to help once they see the good they can do.”

Cleffel paused, watching the images in the pool. A ship was under attack, barely flying past each enemy blast that came his way. The gravity of the situation was dire, and was sure to send the balance flying out of control if allowed to go on much further.

“As you wish, Idril.” Cleffel sighed, pulling forth the Earth pools again. “Grasp your savior, put her where you need her.” He began moving away, his light fading as Idril reached forth into the pool. “But do not be surprised when it takes more than just a gentle nudge to show Hope and Eric Banner what they are truly meant to do for this universe.”

Marvelous: ReincarnationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora