Chapter Two

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Sorry that it's taken me so long to update! I just got a new job and I'm moving into a new apartment, so I'll be busy for a while, but I'll try and update even so (hence why this chapter is kind of short and boring). The next one is better, promise!

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"Who let grandma come back to school?"

"Seriously, she must have gotten held back since the stone age."

"I wonder if she was on the Titanic."

Hope sighed, settling lower into her seat as the voice next to her piped up again, setting off another chorus of giggles. Xavier was at the front of the class, purposefully ignoring them as he went on discussing the advantages of having a good defense as well as offense in your mind. 

Don't listen to them. Eric told her, feeling just as annoyed as her. He's just mad he hasn't hit puberty yet. Hope smiled, looking down at her desk. Okay, maybe having her brother in her head wasn't so bad.

"What are you smiling about?" The kid asked, freckled face frowning as he turned to look at her. "No mind reading in class, loser."

Hope looked over at him, baffled. "Did you seriously just call me a loser? What are you, twelve?"

"Try fifteen." He sneered, "Pick on someone your own size, old lady. You probably aren't even good enough to read my mind." His friend beside him laughed again.

"I would pick on someone my own size, but it seems none of you have hit your growth spurt yet." She replied smoothly, Eric perking up when the Professor looked their way. "None of you are mature enough to even think about picking on."

"Oh, I'm plenty mature, baby." He snarked right back, leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head. "Come and get it anytime, I like 'em older."

Hope made a gagging noise just as the Professor turned his chair to face them. "Something going on back there that I should know about?"

Hope turned to look at the kid, instantly going into his mind once he was distracted. She poked around the edges quickly, finding the one spot he didn't have guarded. She pressed in, raising a single eyebrow. He froze in his seat, eyes comically wide as he realized what she was doing. His hands shot out to grab a binder and put it over his lap.

"Uh, n-nothing." The kid stuttered, struggling to keep his voice calm. "But, uh, can I go to the bathroom?"

Xavier frowned, nodding. The kid shot out of his seat, hurrying to the back, but not before the class noticed the wet spot on the back of his sweatpants. They all laughed as he slammed the door shut, Eric's laugh echoing the loudest.

"Something funny, Hope?" Xavier asked, an unamused look on his face.

Hope shrugged, crossing her arms in front of her as the kid's friends pointedly turned away. "Yeah, I guess he picked the wrong day to wear grey." The class laughed again, Xavier sending a warning thought, Behave, please, her way before returning to the lecture. 

Absolutely brilliant! Eric laughed, mentally giving her a high five. Why haven't you done that before?! Hope shrugged, listening back in to Xavier with an innocent smile on her face.

After class, as she was walking back to her room with her folder tucked under her arm, her phone began to vibrate. She frowned, pulling it out of her sweatpants pocket and holding it up. Eric, how do you answer again?

Swipe the green thing, I think. That's what Bruce thought, anyways.

Thanks, She grinned, swiping the button. "Johnny! What's up?"

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