Chapter One

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Okay, first off, don't expect weekly updates. I'm working a lot harder on this story to make sure I get everything the way I want it. I believe I'll be updating every two weeks?

Either way, thanks for sticking around. (:

Book three, here we go!

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“Are you sure that’s the right button?”

“Well, I mean, no.” Hope Banner frowned, reaching forward to tap at the screen again. “But that’s his name in here, right? So we’ve gotta be on the right track.”

Steve Rogers frowned as well, holding the device in his hands. It began vibrating and they both jumped, nearly dropping it to the floor of the car in shock.

“It’s vibrating!” Steve announced, holding on tighter to it. “And his name came up! How did it know?”

“What do we do?” Hope asked, eyes wide. “Maybe if we just press a few more buttons…”

“Congratulations, you just learned how to answer a phone!” Crackled the voice over the speaker, making both Hope and Steve jump back. They glanced at each other, then Steve whispered, “So that’s really him?”

“Yes, oh great and powerful Captain America. I’m speaking to you on the phone. Really guys, for how smart you are, I can’t believe it’s taking you this long to figure out how to work a cell phone.”

“Well, not all of us grew up surrounded by technology.” Hope grumbled, taking the phone in her hands and looking at the screen. “I’ll just have Logan or Jean help me.”

“Or me!” Bruce Banner called cheerily from the front seat. “Your uncle is more than welcome for questions!”

Hope stuck her tongue out at him, then turned back to the phone. “Alright, so how do I get rid of Tony’s voice?”

“Aw, hanging up on me already? It’s the red button at the bottom. But really, I would have thought you’d want to hear more of my melodic—“ A quiet beep sounded and Tony’s voice faded out, the screen returning once more to the home screen. Steve cheered, high-fiving Hope while Bruce laughed quietly to himself.

“So, like, do you have a roommate?” Johnny Storm finally piped up from the passenger seat, feet propped up on the dashboard. “Is it like college?”

“From what I’ve heard, it’s a little more sophisticated than college.” Hope smirked, mind flitting through Johnny’s brief college memories. “No keg parties, unfortunately.”

“Sucks for you.” Johnny snorted, turning back around to watch the road pass by in front of them. “Keg parties were the best. But if this school is as boring as it sounds, I’ll have to come sneak you out every other weekend.”

Hope laughed at Bruce’s worried face, propping her feet up on the seat next to her. “Sounds good to me!”

Only twenty minutes later, they were pulling down the long drive that led to Xavier’s school. A few other cars were there, helping the other new students move in. Hope bit her lip, noticing how many of them were that much younger than her. It’s not like she’d be there long, she told herself. Just enough to get a better grasp on her powers and then she was out of there, back to the Avenger’s Mansion to stay with her friends.

Bruce had brought Steve and Johnny along to do the heavy lifting, even though she barely had two bags of stuff. Thor had offered an apology, as there were things that needed taken care of in the other realms. But he wished her luck and promised to visit as soon as he could. One bag held the few clothes she had snagged from various people and the suit donated by Reed Richards, and the other was a collection of gadgets and accessories that Tony and Pepper had insisted that everyone needed when they left for school. She had laughed, telling them not to worry so much. Everyone was acting like she was their little girl—daughter or sister, she couldn’t tell—heading off to college for the first time. It wasn’t like they couldn’t come see her, anyone was welcome to visit during the day. However, it was for an indefinite period, because the duration of her stay would be determined by Nick Fury and Professor Xavier.

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