Chapter Four

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It's my birthday, so here's an update. (:

"Well, now that we know your parents aren't around anymore, it makes it easier to get you your funds and stuff." Tony told her, obviously kept from being blunt by the fierce look Bruce was giving him. He sat at her desk, feet propped up on the corner while Bruce sat next to her on her bed. "I can definitely send one of my guys to get a copy of your birth certificate to go claim anything that's left around, but chances are you were declared dead after being missing for so long."

"So I get whatever was in my parent's will?" Hope asked quietly, fidgeting with her thumbs. She had no idea that getting an ID would be so much paperwork. Of course, she had called Bruce to talk to about it, but Tony was the one with the connections they'd need.

"Yeah, if it hasn't been taken by the banks or government yet." Tony snorted. "Otherwise, you and I can go get your driver's license sometime soon and then you're all set. I mean, we'll have to legally declare the Avenger's Mansion as your address and stuff, but Steve's done all that paperwork before, he can help you with it."

"Won't getting all her stuff back let the people know she's still alive?" Bruce asked gently, putting a hand on Hope's shoulder when she shifted. "I mean, it's obvious they were after her and her brother, after everything she's told us. We don't even know who they are."

"Considering she's living with the greatest telepath in the whole world currently, no offense Hope, I'd say she's fine. When she moves in, Jarvis can defend her plenty, not to mention she's got you." Tony answered, waving it off. "Besides, I'm sure if he wanted to find her, he would have done so easily by now since she was on the news the last time she was at the Baxter Building." He fixed her with a pointed stare.

Hope shrugged, a sheepish smile on her face. "Technically that was your fault. You're the one whose face is always plastered in the tabloids."

"Oh, reading up on me, are we?" Tony smirked, dropping his feet down to the ground. "Well, my fault or not, the point still stands. If he really was still after her, was that why Idril kept her in the forest for so long? And if it was, why hasn't he shown up by now?"

"Maybe it's because of what you said." Bruce told him. "He could be laying low while she's at the school. He may be waiting until she gets off the school grounds." Hope shifted in her chair. Yeah, so maybe she hadn't mentioned her leaving with Johnny every other weekend. Or her upcoming lunch date with Aaron next week.

"Well, whatever the reason, she needs an ID in order to do anything for the rest of her life, regardless of how many connections I have." Tony sighed, thankfully pushing away the subject. "I'll have one of my guys go and do all that for you. We'll just have you go take your driver's test whenever your training is done here." He paused, cocking his head. "Speaking of that, how far along are you?"

"Far." Hope grinned. She never got tired of talking about it, so she was thankful so many people were asking her. "Hank and I figured out a ton of new stuff I can do. Once I get control of some of those and work a bit more on some of the other stuff Xavier has me researching, I should be good to go!" She turned to look at Bruce. "Has Director Fury talked to you guys at all?"

Bruce shook his head. "The man is as mysterious as ever. No doubt he knows everything you've been up to, though."

"I think he mentioned something about swinging by near the holidays." Tony added, then glanced down to his beeping phone. "Alright, I've got a meeting in an hour. Look, we'll talk soon, alright?" He smiled as he and Bruce stood. "Pepper always complains that you don't call enough, so fix that, okay?"

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