Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid)

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When I was a newborn, My parent's told me i had Hypothyroidism (Hi-Poe-Thigh-roid-is-m).

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of certain
crucial hormones (The ones that help you grow). 
They found this out because one day (as still a newborn. 2 weeks old) I went to sleep and didn't wake up for about a week. Didn't go to the bathroom, didn't eat, didn't cry, or do anything. They obviously knew something was wrong and took me to the hospital and at the hospital I got diagnosed with Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid). The doctor said I wouldn't really grow up as a normal child. My dad refused to believe it and prayed over me (We were religious). Surprisingly I got better and started to act like a normal baby. And, like any other normal child, grew up. That doesn't mean
I got healed from Thyroidism (abbreviation) though. I was prescribed a medicine to somewhat
help with the thyroidism. Of course I couldn't take pills I was still just a newborn baby. So, they
ended up giving me the liquid medicine in a syringe, then chew pills as a child, and then
swallow medicine as I got older. I'm still taking the swallow medicine to this day. Basically I've
been taking medicine since I was a newborn.
There are some downside effects of not taking the pills, though.

If I don't take the medicine for an excessive amount of days I WILL gain weight, but if I take more pills than Im supposed to (I'm only told to take 1 a day), I will lose weight. I sometimes take more than I'm supposed to because I'm not comfortable with my image.

This one is just a chapter of info about me. The next ones will just be stories about me.
Stay safe, love you guys <33

Tea Time 😌 | ‼️TW‼️ | IamtrashbciwanttobeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora