08/21/18 12:15AM

24 1 0

It'll fade, the way she holds your hand as if your fingers are the last she'll ever touch, they're dirty even if they don't look as if, avoid them.

It'll fade, stop staring at the clock waiting for her to come home, you've called her work one too many times, your bed isn't the only one she's comforted by.

It'll fade, the rain will keep pouring even when you're screaming, let it wash her off your skin, she's stained it worse than your favorite tattoos.

It'll fade, that love is nothing more than a tongue between two legs, she knows this and you don't.

It'll fade, time will pass and she won't even remember your name while you sit and write book after book about the hair that dangles in her face, the calluses on your palms don't deserve that.

It'll fade, somebody else is looking at you the way you look at her, but with pain comes a love hidden so well, you'll mistake it for agony.

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