09/17/21 5:22PM

13 1 0

I put this pen to paper so effortlessly, but sadly cannot move at all after.

I want to put down how much I'm drowning in my own sadness and not a single soul knows.

I want to put down that I completely forgot how happiness feels so I drive away everyone that comes close to me.

I want to put down how much I want my father to love me and fucking mean it.

I want to put down how watching my mom settle for a lesser life makes my bones ache.

I want to put down how I can't stand the thought of eating at all, how gaining weight scares me and looking at the scale is too much.

I want to put down how uncomfortable I get in loud places where I can hear 10 conversations at once.

I want to put down how tired I am of putting things down.

How tired I am of being here.

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