about the author <3

120 0 4

A/N: ello :) this is my first fanfiction, so any feedback would be appreciated. quick abt me:

comfort streamer(s): techno,dream,karl,ranboo,tommy,niki

pronouns: haha surprise i'm gender-fluid so my pronouns change, im most comfortable all times with he/they

name: clemintine/birch, thanks!

why am I writing this: i like fanfictions and i read too much wattpad. ;)

socials: twitch.tv/unnamedbirchtree for now thats all i have L

any ships: maybe a bit of canon dnf and karlnapity (no major minor ships, [ranboo, tommy, purpled, tubbo, drista, lani, etc.] unless i change my mind, but nothing like a relationship/any of that.)

can we be done here: no i have a fanfiction for you. but ya questions are over party. Ew.

word count: 119 :)

two blind kids [ranbooxreader /p]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu