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November 8, 2022
10:11 am

It's been a whole 5 days since their last trip in Jeju and their little action in that market. They did went back to the company but since Jennie had her suitcase in Lisa's car, she changed her clothes into something more suitable in a workplace. However, Lisa just changed her style. She tucked in the front her jacket into her pants and lifted the sleeves up to her elbows. She removed her other accessories to look a little decent but still, somehow, she managed to look professional in a hoodie and track pants.

She's something else.

Jennie has been avoiding making any physical contacts since that day. Whenever Lisa asks for her presence, she wouldn't talk unless she speaks up first. The memory haunted her every night like it was the replacement for that nightmare she had. How Lisa whispered those words and said her first name.

She still couldn't believe how hot her name comes out of her mouth like she naturally says it but we all know she doesn't. Lisa never called her by her name until that day. Jennie just hoped the president go back to calling her by her last name instead so she can avoid having a cardiac arrest.

Lisa did the exact same, avoiding her.

Her being angel totally slipped from her mind in those minutes she spent with her secretary. She forgot who and what she is. That doesn't normally happen, thus staying away from her for the meantime should clear the tension between them.

Or so she hoped.

The telephone on her table suddenly rang, she picked it up and recognize the sweet voice immediately.

"Hello? Is this thing..." Tap. Tap. "...working?"

Lisa closes her eyes, "Yes, it is working. Is there anything you need?" She asked.

"No, no. I just wanna say this place is cool." The person on the line said excitedly. "The mechanical department are all nice to me, they love my device too."

"That's good to know, Ashley."

The girl giggled, "I'll see you later, boss!" She then hang up, giving no time for Lisa to reply.

She shook her head hearing how cheerful the kid is, it definitely reminds her of someone she knows back then. Lisa wondered when will they meet again.

Her door suddenly opened, revealing the person she doesn't want to talk to at the moment. Jennie entered her office quietly with a folder in her hand, she handed it to Lisa and stood in front of her.

Lisa pretended she wasn't distracted because of Jennie and read the content inside the folder. It's just the records she may need in the future and the total calculations of their stocks in the past few weeks.

They remained silent, like they're in a prayer meeting.

Jennie doesn't want to be here, she wants to go anywhere but near this woman. She just wants to forget everything that happened between them but that's impossible when she's working for her and sees her everyday. She can't actually resist her charm and that's the problem.

"Anything else?" Lisa wakes her up in a trance.

The brunette shook her head, "That's all, president." She said and bowed, "I'll get going," she starts to walk to the door. Lisa watched her leave and didn't say anything else.

She exhaled and sat on her chair. She needs to distract herself and get her mind off her boss. Jennie suddenly remembers her sister, today's their school fair and Ella may have said something about her competing in a quiz.

The problem is she doesn't know any information about it other than the event was today. She couldn't call or text her, her sister doesn't have her own phone. She can contact her teacher but she might be busy and can't possibly do what she requested for.

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