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November 26, 2022
5:04 pm

Irene and Rosé have been staring at Jennie for quite some time now. Apparently, the brunette has been smiling since the 3 of them meet up. They don't know the reason but seeing their friend looking like that scares them.

They thought she's going crazy.

They're currently in a small diner, the both of them sitting across Jennie, who's stirring her coffee as she keeps chuckling.

"Girl, should we take you to the asylum? You're scaring me." Irene mumbled.

Jennie covers her face with her hands, "Maybe I am going crazy," she said.

Rosé taps the table, getting her friend's attention. "Tell us what happened and stop being creepy," she said and crossed her arms.

The brunette doesn't know if she should tell them. For all she knows, they wouldn't stop teasing her about it. She arrived home yesterday seeing the toys in the middle of their living room, Ella was too excited to see all them there and took one to put in her room.

She had no idea what those toys are doing there.

That was until she saw the letter and her time stopped. Her knees grew extremely weak as she sat down on the sofa. Her hand is trembling holding the card and while other covers her mouth. She couldn't believe what she just read.

What does it mean?

Is a date?

That night, she couldn't sleep. She just kept staring at the letter, reading the message over and over again, trying to know whether it's real or not. Again, Lisa messed up her whole mind.

Instead of talking, she pulled out the card from her bag and showed it to her friends.

They were both confused but when they finally reads what's inside, they let out a loud gasp, gathering attention from the other customers. Rosé's mouth is just open and Irene was speechless.

"Wait...what the hell is this?" Irene said, reading it again and again.

Jennie sighs, "A letter,"

Rosé took the card from Irene, "From the president?! Are you crazy? Since when is this-is this going on? Why didn't you tell us? You-"

"Rosie, calm down." The brunette said, "I don't honestly know, I swear. I have no idea why she wants to meet me, it just happened."

The two of them studied her face and notice her hiding her smile. Irene knows Jennie likes the president but for Rosé, she's absolutely clueless. She even thought it was Lisa who likes Jennie and not the other way around.

The oldest woman clapped, "Okay, maybe you should go home and prepare for your damn date." She told Jennie and pulled her out of her seat. "Come on, let's go."

She dragged the two girls and hailed a cab, telling the driver to drop them off where Jennie lives. However, they had no idea she lived in a penthouse now and they were completely shocked when she told the driver the address.

Irene watched her friend waves goodbye to them as they leave. She looks at Rosé, "I'll explain, let's go to your place."

"Unnie, I'm shocked."

"I know, believe me."


7:49 pm

Jennie has been staring at herself in front of the mirror for 30 minutes. She's really anxious, knowing she's gonna have to meet Lisa in less than 15 minutes. She decided to wear a beige turtle neck, with leather jacket over it, brown jeans and boots.

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