Hange's sister?

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First chapter!!!! Hope you enjoy!!

Y/n-17 years old
Levi-19 years old
Hange-22 years old
( I know Levi is younger but just go with the flow 😉 )

~Survey Corps meeting room~

3rd person-

Erwin looks down at his papers and frowns, "looks like this mission didn't go to plan, we lost over 150 soldiers and yet we still have gathered no new information on where the Titans seem to be coming from." Hange smiles and looks out of the window, "Well I think it was a success! We captured another Titan to experiment on, and Luke's a darling- he'll make sure those deaths were worth it!"

"Tch," Levi takes a sip from his tea " Hange, no matter if you end up dating that Titan, or whatever you have planned..." Hange looks down, seemingly hurt, but Levi doesn't notice. "What I mean is," Levi tries to re-phrase after seeing Hange's face, " no matter what you do to prove that Titans can be harmless, those brats deaths can't be justified unless we take back the world and save humanity." Levi gets up and walks out the room without another word.

"Hange go down a see what you can do with Luke." Erwin sighs, Levi's right, the only way these deaths can be truly justified is by fixing this hateful, dangerous world.

"Wait...," Erwin calls out to Hange just as she is about to close the door behind her. " Yes sir?" Hange asks in a confused, yet obedient tone.
" When will your sister be joining us, she's aroused quite a commotion along the trainees,I  have a feeling many people are looking forward to getting to meet her." Erwin chucked to himself he can't lie she is extremely beautiful ( yes you boo, you are gorgeous 😍) , and very smart and strong, very kind too; always looking out for others. But of course, you can't forget her crazy side, she is Hange's sister after all!

"Um...I think she'll be arriving in a few days time sir, I can get the exact time if you want-"
Hange offered to enquire, but Erwin cut her off "No,no don't worry that won't be necessary" he shook his hand as a gesture to forget about it and then began to write on some paperwork piled up at his desk, signalling Hange to leave.

~A few hours later, in the mess hall~

"Hey Connie can I have your potatoes..please?" Sasha practically begs as she reaches over to Connie's plate to steal his food. "I guess I'm gonna have no say in the matter so sure" Connie mumbles with a sour, yet friendly attitude. "Thanks!" Sasha hisses as she takes most of Connie's food and scrapes it onto her plate. " haha, you really are crazy Sasha!" Armin starts laughing, so Sasha swipes a potato of his plate and began to eat it, even though her mouth was already full.

"You're such a pig! If I didn't know you I  would have thought thought you were insane!" Eren talks over the table to Sasha making her laugh.
"I do know you, and yet I still think you're insane!" Jean yells across the hall.
"Mind your own business horse-face!" Sasha calls back. The whole table bursts out with laughter.

"Hey did you hear, Hange's sister is coming to be a survey corp for a year!" Eren exclaims, earning a jealous look from Mikasa. "Apparently she just goes off outside the wall on missions by herself, she's not even a part of the survey corps and yet she still gets to go out and kill Titans!" Marco chimes in, walking over to the table with Jean behind him. " She's pretty cool huh." Annie says.

Armin blushes slightly and kind-of whispers, "Though she got quite badly injured  a few years ago, while fighting an aberrant Titan and she lost most of her left arm, I think she's really strong and brave to get out of a situation like that- alone."

" yeah she's kinda known for being a solo person. I wonder why she chose to join the survey corps then?" Connie scratches the back of his neck in confusion. "Bet you Hange has something to do with it," Jean sat down on an empty seat, "She probably worries about her little sister going out into the dangerous works on her own, I know I would be." Armin hums in agreement, before getting up, walking outside and sitting on a bench overlooking a small lake.

The moon shone brightly, giving the lake a luminosity. The stars danced in the sky together, in sync, as if they were an army of soldiers marching off to battle. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He hadn't noticed Annie walking up behind him. Gracefully, she sat down on the bench and crossed her legs. Armin didn't respond, he just gazed up at the parade above him. "Cadets, I think you should get some rest, you'll have a long day tomorrow, as Captain Levi will be teaching you 'brats'," he laughed at his own joke and then walked back inside to go and do some more paperwork.

That's chapter one done!! Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter should be posted in about a week so look out for it. I'm sorry Y/n hasn't come in yet but I promise this is the only '3rd person' chapter ,for a while at least. I'll Cya next time x

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