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(idk why but I love this picture and it gives me Violet Evergarden vibes)

~meanwhile with y/n~

I opened my eyes, it was dark and my vision was blurry. I could hear people talking from around me, but it was just distant muttering. As I tried to move I realised I was tied up by my legs and my right wrist was also tied up, to a wooden pole. "Gah..." I grunted, causing the voices the to stop.

A figure of a man appeared above me and peered down with a smile on his face. "I see you're awake." His smile widened as he kicked my side causing me to yelp in pain. "W-what do you want with me?" I stuttered, as he laughed and just walked back to the other people, who listening in to our conversation. I tried to raise my left hand but realised there was nothing there. Where is my prosthetic?! My visioned had focused by now and I could properly see what was around me. It looked like I was in a campsite, lying down inside a tent with its doors wide open. The other figures, which I could now see where all men, where sitting by a campfire eating some soup. My stomachs rumbled. I wonder how long I've been unconscious? Just then, one of the men got up from the log he was sitting on and began to walk towards me, "You've been unconscious for almost a day," he answered my question unknowingly, " I bet you're starving." He grinned at me with his broken yellow teeth. Ew. "I've survived longer." I said monotonously.

"Here!" He held out a bowl of, what looked like chicken soup. I just looked up at him with an expressionless face, waiting for him to catch on. "Oh, right!" He said as he untied my right hand and quickly ran into another tent to get my prosthetic arm. As he passed it to me, he quickly picked up a gun that was resting on a nearby tree. I rolled my eyes as I attached my arm and began to eat.

Once I had finished, I placed the bowl beside me and the man muttered in sharp voice, "Now take the prosthetic off and place it next to the bowl." I followed his instructions, taking my arm off and placing it beside my old food bowl. The man then reached down and picked it up, gun still loaded in his hand and took it back to the tent. Once he came back, he tied my right arm back up and put the gun back down. He then picked my dirty bowl up and chucked it into a wooden barrel.

"Can I brush my teeth?" I muttered in an annoyed tone. The man sat back on his log as another, younger man answered my question. "No..." He replied simply, turning around to face me, he had dark brown hair and  bright blue eyes. "And why not?" I asked with a stubborn voice. "Because we don't have anything for you to clean your teeth with!" He grinned, revealing his rotting, green teeth. I gag and mutter, "That's disgusting!" too quietly for him to hear.

"Why am I here anyway?" I ask in a bored voice,as I sit up, so that I can see my surroundings properly. "You're y/n Zoé, right?" I nod, unsure as to where this is going. "Hange Zoé's sister?" I nod again, still confused. He stands up and starts walking towards me as he says, "And am I correct when I say that Hange used to experiment on you when you were little?" I nod again, as I realise where this is going. "Do you know what kind of experiments she did on you?" The man questioned. I shook my head this time, I knew nothing of what she had done to me in the past and whenever I asked her she always looked down with a guilty face and apologise , but she would never tell me what for. The man sighed, I couldn't tell wether it was frustration that I couldn't give him answers or pity that I didn't know the answers. "Well, you know what a titan shifter is right?" I gasp, in shock, no...he can't-..he can't possibly mean... "I'm a titan shifter?!" I ask with shock emanating from my voice. "I'm not sure." He sates, "but I intend to find out..." My eyes widen as he pulls out a small knife that was in his pocket and began to slowly walk towards me. "NO!" I screamed as he grabbed my left arm.

~meanwhile with shorty~

"Hange we should take a break and rest." I called out to the red-haired (I'm not sure how to describe her hair colour soz) female, who was panicking behind me. The sun was beginning to set, we had been travelling all day and all the cadets were tired.
"NO!...no, I can't. I have to find her." She mumbled as a tear ran down her cheek. So we kept on riding-for hours-until the hoof prints seemed to have come to a stop.
"Where do we go from here?" A cadet asked, looking in my direction. I scanned the area, they can't have gone back (we would have spotted them) so that would mean that she either went North, East or West.

"You four," I pointed to four of the nearest cadets, "go North with Hange! And you four come East with me. The rest of you can go West. If anyone spots the hoof prints fire out a yellow flare and we'll come to you. Got it!" Everyone nodded and said, " Yes captain!" in unison. "Tch...Let's go!" We all rode off in our different directions.

~short time skip brought to you by the beautiful cart Titan~

It was getting quite dark and we couldn't see that well in the dim light. "Captain! I don't know how we are supposed to spot the prints at this time of day. Shouldn't we stop?" I was about to order them to keep going-I don't know why but I feel a tightness in my chest and I don't think it will go away I till I find y/n- but just as I was about to speak up, a yellow flare shooting up into the star-filled sky. It rose into the air leaving a trail of colour behind it. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder. The flare had been coming from the North...Hange! I rode as fast as I could towards her.

Hange's POV~

We went off on our routes, I really hope we find y/n soon! If anything bad happens to her I don't know what I'll do. I can't imagine a life without her. 'Stop!We are going to find her!' I think vigorously to myself.

"Commander, should we keep going or rest until the sun rises?" Ymir rides in-line with me as she speaks. I don't want to keep pushing my squad-it's not fair-but I have to find y/n. I have to find y/n! "Let's...keep going." A determined look appeared on my face as I look up at the star-lit sky. The moon shone brightly through the vast trees of the forest we were now in.

~time skip XD~

It's really late we should stop-... "FOOTPRINTS!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I pointed down at some large footprints on the floor. "They aren't y/n's-she wears heeled boots- but they must belong to the man,who took her!" I squeezed in excitement as I took out the yellow flare and fired it up into the sky.

A cadet, whom I have never met, got off his horse and walked towards me, peering down at the footprints. "I think we should wait here while the other squads arrive." He muttered.
"Agreed." I responded.

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in while!! This chapter is shorter than the last two, but I think this is about the right length. Long chapters are hard, but comment if you would prefer them. Anyways see you soon xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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