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Y/n's POV

~in her bedroom~

"I hope you'll settle in here very well," she smiles, " oh! And I installed a safe in your wardrobe, for you to keep your arm in when you're not using it!" She continued.
"Thank you." I smile at her beautiful brown eyes glittering in the candle light and sit down on my bed. "You're probably tired, I'll let you get some rest."
"Love you," I murmur, looking down and fiddling with my fingers.
" Love you too lil sis," she leans down and kisses me on the forehead, before leaving my new room and shutting the door behind her.

I get up and walk into the bathroom, I empty all my skin/hair care products and lay them all out,-organised- on my counter. Then I lay out my shower products on the shelf in my shower.
Once I'm done in the bathroom, which was surprisingly clean already- they must get some really good cleaners for this place! I move to my bedroom and start putting my clothes ( colour co-ordinated) into my wardrobe. Finally, when I'm done unpacking all my stuff, I take of my prosthetic arm and change into my pyjamas. I'm wearing a black-silk pair of pyjama trousers and a black-silk with a front pocket that has an embroidered f\a on it. Once my prosthetic is in the safe I climb into bed, thinking about my sister. Finally, drifting off to sleep, only to be woken again by those stupid dreams. I muffle my screams with my hand and start to cry into the pillow, laying silent for a few minutes until I'm sure that I woke nobody else up.

After a few minutes I decide that I don't want to go back to sleep. Because that would mean experiencing another nightmare. So instead, I get up and take my metal arm out of the safe and slip some black-silk slippers on. I creep and of my bedroom as silently as possible, as I walk towards the kitchen to try and find some coke or coffee, or just anything with caffeine in it so I don't fall asleep in the middle of training tomorrow, or I guess today, seeing as it was already 1:30am. Walking along the hallway, all I can hear is the snoring of Cadets getting good nights sleep before they train. Lucky!

When I reach the kitchen I hear some noises coming from inside the kitchen. And low and behold, when I step in I see 'humanities strongest'. "Tch" I mutter to myself and Levi's head whips up and turns to face me, his metallic eyes narrowed as if I was mocking him. "What are you doing here?" I ask in a polite tone, " I mean, shouldn't you be getting some rest?" He frowns and looks back down at the drink he's stirring with a small spoon.
"I could ask you the same question. Why aren't you sleeping brat?" I laughed at the way he called me a brat and he scowled in response, but then my face went serious as I thought about why I couldn't sleep. "I rarely get a good night's sleep." I mutter in a solemn tone.
"That makes two of us." He grunts, before sighing and taking a sip of his drink.
"What are you drinking?" I ask curiously.
"Tea." Is all he responds with.
"That's tea?" I say, puzzled.
"Yes, haven't you tried it before?" He asks, taking another sip,as I sit down opposite him on the table.
"No" is all I say while I watch Levi's hand pick up the cup in an odd way and drink it, licking off a few drops that were on his soft lips with his tongue.
"Do you want me to make you some?"
"Sure!" I say excitedly as he gets up from the table and his greys orbs scan the room, looking for something. Eventually he picks up a weird shaped cup-just like the one he's using-and put's something in it it. He then pours some boiling water into it and stirs, putting a sugar cube in before walking back over to the table and placing it down. "Let it cool for a bit." He murmurs softly and I nod.
"I have a question." I state my h/c eyes glowing in the candle light.
"What is it?" He asks in a quiet, yet harsh tone.
"What's it like being in the survey corps?" I look down, shy again and then continue, "What I mean is how do you guys manage to work in a team so well, surely you mess up sometimes!"
He laughs, but it seems like dark humour to me, "Everyone messes up at least once in their life, I'm sure you've probably done something stupid that's put you in danger!" I wince, and tuck my metal arm behind my back, but he sees. His eyes widen for a second, but not in shock of my wound, instead like a memory has just been brought back to him. "Drink up! Or your tea will get cold." I nod and reach for the 'tea cup' with my left hand, before deciding it's too delicate to risk and use my good hand. I pick up the tea cup and try to replicate the way Levi held it. He chuckles, while take a sip. "OMG! IT'S SO GOOD!" I yell.
"Shut up, some people are sleeping."
"omg it's so good." I repeat, but I whisper this time. He roles his eyes and gets up, washing his teacup and putting it away and then he walks out of the room.

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