The survey corps

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The video linked above is my favourite video in the entire world!! My cousin and I have watched this so many times that we have all the lines learnt off by heart! It's hilarious 😂

Anyways, here is chapter two!!! Hope you enjoy ☺️

~nighttime in a carriage at the gate of wall rose~

Y/n's POV-

I lay there in the carriage, daydreaming of what the survey corps would be like. Of course, I had visited my older sister Hange a few times in the last 6 years but she had normally came and visited me, and even when I did make the trip there I only got to see them training from afar.

I imagined it would be very different to what I'm used to. I like to make decisions on my own, not allowing myself to trust anything or anyone else,but- of course- that was going to have to change for the next three years.

"I hope I get a good squad!" I said aloud to myself. I really do! If I end up with a bunch of Newbies that just slow me down, I'll be forced to make rash, solo decisions. Which would probably put me in the bad books and I don't want that. Not that it bothers me, but I want my sister to see that I can be good in any situation. She doesn't want me going past the walls on my own, but I always try and find out more about the Titans when I'm there and I send her letters about my new information, which makes her happy.

A few years ago I made a mistake. A mistake that almost got me killed.


I was fighting a group of 3 8-meters class Titans, trying to figure out how they can re-generate so fast. When all of a sudden, I felt a shadow of darkness cloak over the trees around me. When I turned I saw a 13-metre class Titan reaching out to grab me. I flung myself forward as fast as I could, my h/c hair blowing in the wind, darting around a tree with the blade in my right hand pointed outwards. But I was too late, the Titan had caught my left arm and I couldn't get myself free. He was crushing all the bones in my lower-left arm and reaching out for my other arm. I was going to die if I didn't to anything. So I made I hasty decision, took the blade in my right arm and slashed the lower half of my left arm off. I screamed in agony, but still pulled myself up and away from that Titan, I raced to my horse h/n and rode for an hour or so. I had tied my cloak around what was left of my arm, but that did not stop the bleeding. When I finally reached the gate I passed out and fell on the floor, apparently some boy caught me and took me to commander Erwin. Where they stitched up my wound. I think the boy who saved me was called Levi or something but I'm not sure.

- end of flashback -

I'm pretty sure Levi is quite well known nowadays 'humanity's strongest soldier'...
"Tch" I bet you I've killed more Titans then him.

"M'am we are at the gate now, you need to switch to horseback," the kind man,who was controlling the carriage  called put to me. He had short, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, he was quite handsome, but I wasn't looking for any more people to have to worry about in my life, so I just picked up my bag with my metal prosthetic hand ( a gift from the survey corps- although I think it was mostly my sister) and my purse with my right hand, I already had my 3dm gear in a bag strapped around my shoulder. Stepping out of the carriage, I reached into my purse to grab the money I had saved up for the trip. "Thank you!" I smiled, avoiding eye contact- if you can't tell by now, I'm pretty anti-social. It's not that I don't like people, actually I'm quite shy, I never really had friends growing up, and my parents weren't around much even when they were alive. So, the only person I really spoke to was my sister-Hange- but she talks a lot which means I didn't. And besides the things she says and the way she says them aren't exactly casual nor are they formal.

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