Chapter 1: Malevolence

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The scent of blood was strong in the air.  

Kong knew that it belonged to him, he could feel the deep wound of the bite at the side of his shoulder that he was clutching desperately to keep himself from bleeding out. 

He also glared at the vampire who had him in a chokehold, just a few seconds away from choking him to death, he had nowhere to run except to fight back. 

The vampire must've been a boy when he was turned, he could tell with the way the bloodsucker's face was so boyish, he was probably a teenager when he was turned, even a smirk showing his fang felt too childish and ridiculous for Kong to take him seriously. 

"Little wolfie nowhere to run now?" The vampire smirked, slamming Kong harder against the concrete wall. 

"Come on, Dae…. Stop playing with it, I'm too famished to be indulging with your shenanigans." 

Kong spotted a taller vampire settled at the stairs of a closed grocery store in front of them, not even bothered by how Kong was struggling against his captor, why would he anyway?

"Nah, Bright, lemme have some fun." The vampire- Dae replied before turning to fix Kong with a sneer. 

"Let go of me before you regret it leech!" Kong spat through gritted teeth. 

"Say, prey, how will your Elders react knowing you are quivering here like a fish out of a pond but couldn't fight your enemy?" Dae pressed in. 

"If you play with the food any longer I'd drink your blood instead." Bright groaned. 

Dae looked back to say something and that was all the moment Kong needed as a distraction before his claws formed. He slashed his sharp claws against the shorter's chest, Dae hissing out in pain and shock before trying to catch hold but Kong was stronger, uncaring as he slashed through Dae's throat. 

A vampire's blood had a sharp scent like a cold sting, like a strong acetone to a human nose, but something even stronger. Kong's eyes almost watered with that stung of a smell while the vampire whimpered, curling to the ground as blood started to spurt from his slashed throat. 

The taller vampire- Bright was already onto the werewolf, Kong breathed through his gritted teeth, the aching scent of cold blood getting stronger as the vampire grabbed his hair and slammed his head against the concrete. It didn't hurt as much as Kong expected it to, he felt Bright trying to hold him pinned against the wall but Kong kicked his knees, the vampire yelped, not expecting a trivial yet sharp enough move from a werewolf but that attack also distracted by his bleeding fellow vampire. 

"Fucking mutt!" Bright screamed in frustration. 

Kong knew vampires were swift, but he was also aware of how many vulnerabilities laid in their wake, especially the one of being too predictable. 

In a swift movement, Kong turned to slash Bright in the chest the same way he had done to Dae yet this vampire was faster to dodge it but not fast enough to dodge the second attack of the other claw, Bright staggered back caught off balance and Kong took that moment to get out of the vampire's grasp and sprint out of there. 

There was a fine line between being too much in the ego of his status and the sheer need to survive so he could avenge for his hurt ego. Kong chose the latter as he ran out of that alley.  

He knew the vampire was immediately at his back as he ran. 

Kong pressed on his bleeding wound tighter as he started to transform himself through his sprint. He knew his pursuer was going to give up knowing that his vampire companion was probably going to poison himself to death if he didn't stop and turn back to him, afterall a werewolf's claws were as lethal as a pinch of silver in a vampire's blood. 

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