Chapter 24

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A/N: Sexual content at the beginning.

The plot will be thickening soon and the angst truck is gonna hit too so enjoy the KongArt scenes while it lasts 😭

Happy reading! 📖

I'll meet you downstairs at the end of the chapter!


Kong's fingers were so pale as his eyes glazed the rouge red instead of his graceful gray. Arthit felt hypnotized, beckoned by those lips and devouring them like he always wanted to, when they parted, Kong looked divine with those swollen bleeding lips. 

 Arthit was so enraptured by that, he couldn't look anywhere else but Kong in his naked glory save for Arthit's leather jacket that had already slid from the man's shoulders. Arthit barely kept himself at bay as the man stayed straddling him. 

Okay, Arthit had to admit that Kong had always been a really beautiful man… but seeing him drowning in pleasure was such a sensory overload that Arthit could not believe it was actually real. 

Wait…. It didn't feel real…. 

Kong's hair were longer, dripping wet and the scent of his heat left both of them breathless but fuck if Arthit wasn't in love with his mate's breaths. Arthit had never really given any person the time of his life more than necessary but this man… the man panting, quivering and melting in his arms…. 

Arthit could worship that man till the end of his days. Kong's lips, his graceful yet sharp features, his hair… Was there any part of him that wasn't as mesmerizing? 

Arthit didn't think so…. Feeling his own breaths coming out as pants when Kong moved again, his eyes rolling back, blood pouring from the puncture wounds on his scent gland, his back arched, arms wrapping around Arthit's shoulders, there wasn't a sight more stunning than that. 

Then, he felt Kong's hot breaths against his ear, as the man had moved to whisper something to him. 

"Dreams are a window to the future, Arthit. Hold me tighter." Kong whispered. 

Suddenly Arthit was very aware of the corpses killed and bodies bleeding to death around them, yet nothing mattered in that moment. 

Nothing mattered but Kong, only Kong. 

Arthit sucked in a sharp breath, then realized he was choking as he coughed. Then, he was made aware of the loud knock on the door, making him open his eyes abruptly and take a deep breath as he stared at the notoriously slow ceiling fan. 

He could feel his whole body shake when he finally made sense of the fact that it was just a dream…. Then he felt baffled that he actually fell asleep. Then a little more baffled at the dream he had just witnessed.


Arthit momentarily closed his eyes, he really didn't want to face that man at present. He tried to stay silent, hoping that his soulmate would take the hint and leave.

The knocking on his open door just became incessant. 

"Arthit! You haven't fed and you're exhausted, just come downstairs and feed… May might get worried if she sees you passing out like that." Kong said, still leaning against the doorframe, ready to knock again. 

"Get out." Arthit grumbled, clenching his eyes closed but Kong simply sighed. 

"I won't unless you come downstairs." 

Arthit rubbed at his temples before making himself sit, looking everywhere but at the werewolf. 

Kong chuckled, "You look like you've seen a ghost, are you okay?" 

The Things We Hideحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن