FLUFF | he's back - jennie

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Jennie's pov:

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Jennie's pov:

Lucas is coming back to our shared dorm after a month since he was in London filming a series. I missed him so much. I didn't realise how much I missed him until he called Jisoo unni that he's coming back home, I was so excited and also were they very excited... They ran all over the house that I had to throw them out of our house for an hour so they could cool off, they don't know how to control their emotions sometimes.

After some hours of the four of us sitting on the couch watching True Beauty since Lisa forced us to watch it with her, we heard the door opening and our heads turned 360 degrees to the door as I heard Chaeyoung's neck crack.

As we all saw him with the brightest smile and arms wide open waiting for us to hug him we immediately ran into a big group hug as Chaeyoung was shouting "HE'S BACK, LESBIANS!", she's literally the only lesbian in this house, but she will never admit it and I'm just acting as if I haven't heard girls moaning every day. This girl gets more pussy than any other guy. As she should.

After some minutes of us just kissing his cheeks and basically his entire face, I felt like an old lady when her grandson visit her after a long time so I ruined their moment and forced them to let him go to his bedroom so he can see how many clothes we stole from him.

1 hour later

It's been an hour or so and everyone is in their rooms being quiet and minding their own business. I had nothing to do so I walked into Lucas's bedroom seeing trying not to fall asleep as he's playing a game on his phone. I tiptoed to his bed and lay next to him, placing my head on his chest and hug him. He jumped a little, but then he realised that it's me so he turned off his phone, threw it somewhere on the bed a gently hugged me as well while smelling my hair. He said that he likes my smell so it's not that weird anymore, at first it was, but now, not anymore.

" I missed you so much, Lucas", I said as I gently tightened my arms around his body

"I missed you too, noona. All I could think about was you and our wild members", I softly chuckled at his comment about our members. They sure are crazy as fuck.

" Wanna watch a movie?", he asked me while gently caressing my hair and I nod. He took the remote that was on the nightstand by his side, "what do you wanna watch?", he continued as he clicked on Netflix and waited for my response, " let's watch 365 Days, Sana (TWICE) said that it's a very good movie and that it's meaningful and innocent", I said as he responded with "sure."

No one's pov:

From that day, Jennie SWORE on her life that she will never listen to that Snake EVER again! She couldn't even walk back to her bedroom because her legs were so fucking weak!

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