🔞 baped kitchen - sunmi

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Sunmi's pov:

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Sunmi's pov:

“It’s literally seven in the morning, Lucas!” I look at Lucas with an exasperated expression.

“Okay, It’s fine!” Lucas has me on his lap and he slowly spreads my legs.

“What if like- I dunno?! One of them wakes up and sees us!” My eyes are wide as I keep glancing behind the two of us.

“Not if you don’t keep yelling like that- shh. Now Shut up and take your pants off.” I sigh but stand up and slide my pants off before I make my way back to Lucas who pulled his cock out of his.

I grip onto his cock but I still complain, “We’re at the kitchen table! We eat here!” 

Lucas rolls his eyes and brings me down onto his cock, “Obviously you don’t care- look at you. Sitting on my cock.”

“Shut up.” I grind yourself down on his cock and turn my head to take him into a kiss to shut him up.

My back arches into his chest and one of his hands grip onto my boobs, letting his fingers pinch and twist my nipples. His free hand is gripping my hip, controlling his thrusts. He breaks my kiss before he speaks up, “So desperate.”

My mouth drops open and I scoff, “Says- Says the one who- who-”

“Cat’s got your tongue? Because look at you. You don’t seem to mind.” Lucas's lips brush my neck as he gently leaves kisses on me. Lucas moves his hand in between my legs and slowly rubs circles on my clit making I jerk on his lap.

“N-No! Gonna be- Gonna be too loud!” I cover my mouth and attempt to bring myself away from his touch.

“Oh, okay then, so you’ll be fine with stopping right now then?” Lucas grabs my hips and teasingly tries to take me off of him.

“No! Nonono! Just hurry and fuck me, please! Before they wake up!” I bounce myself on Lucas's cock and bring his hand back in between my legs.

I shut my eyes and grip onto Lucas's thighs to use as leverage. I focus on nothing but the feeling of Lucas inside of me along with his touch on my clit. My head is spinning and I let out a loud cry as Lucas grips onto my hair, “L-Lucas! Hnng- fuckfuckfuck please- please I’m so close! Want you to cum in me. Please.”

You clench around Lucas's cock tightly and listen to his heavy breathing and occasional groans, “Pretty girl. Pretty girl with pretty moans. Moans so loud everyone can probably hear them. S’Alright though, you’re mine. My little princess. Always so desperate for me.”

“Yeah- yesyes! Yours.” I mumbled along to whatever Lucas was saying.

“Go ahead and prove it to me. Cum for me, baby. Want you to cum” I nod and my grip on Lucas gets tighter and my pussy throbs around him.

Lucas shoves his face in my neck and his groans are music to my ears. One of his arms wraps around my front and he grinds up into me, “You’re close, aren’t you? I can tell. You feel so good. So so good.”

I hum and soft sobs are coming from my swollen lips that were red from how much I bit them in attempts to stay quiet. My voice was quiet as my voice shook, “Cu-Cumming!”

My body stilled and my back arched into Lucas as my mouth was open in a silent moan. Lucas left me for a few seconds before he continued his thrusts into me. My eyes shoot open and I grip onto his wrist as I get overstimulated, “Lucas! H-Hwa! Pleasepleaseplease! Cu-Cum in me! Want to feel you cum in me!”

The throbbing around Lucas's cock doesn’t stop and his abs are tight as his cock begins to throb inside of me, “I’m- I’m close, baby. Just a little bit more.”

My soft whining and begs of his name are too much for Lucas to take and he mumbles in my neck before I feel him release inside of me. My entire body is hot as I take in the feeling, “Fuck Lucas! Good- it was- fuck.”

Lucas chuckles at how fucked out I am and gently brings me against his chest, “Okay, it’s getting kinda late now. Maybe we should get up and take a shower before the rest of them really get up.”

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