20#USJ (next gen)

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Few weeks later....
At lunch

Ryota:some time has passed and we're all adjusting to UA.we've been training and learning a lot,got to know more about our classmates and even made a couple more friends into our group."hey Hana,Ryugi over here" I wave at them to come sit with us.

Hana:"hey guys"

Ryugi:"what up"

Hana ojiro:age:15
Quirk:invisible tail
Parents:toru (mom) mashiro (dad)

Ryugi tetsutetsu:age:15
Quirk:iron fist
Parents:Kendo (mom) tetsutetsu (dad)

Ryota:Hana was teamed up with Torao at combat training,Ryugi helped us trained after school and later on we all became good friends."hey I heard from my moms that we'll be going to the USJ for more field training"

Ryugi:"alright! I've been dying to explore the earth fields"

At the USJ center

Haruka:we all arrive at USJ wearing our hero costumes.I'm wearing a red body suit exposing my cleavage with a black X at the bottom center,orange boots,leather gloves,belt buckle filled with grenades and two giant grenade like gauntlets on my arms which belong to my dad.

Torao:I'm suited with a black sweater and jeans,a black cape,green bands and a green hoodie shaped like a frog.

Rai:I wear a leather jeans and a punk rock yellow jacket,goggles and stun guns attached to his gloves,

Suki:I have a red shirt and a yellow skirt similar to my moms costume,thick and long gloves to help with my radiation and steel boots to help me in close combat.

Ryugi:I wear a Chinese martial arts kit with a rock symbol in the front and back.

Hana:I wear a a light blue track suit and my moms gloves and boots.

Ryugi:"hey,is that Ryota's hero costume?"

Ryota:I'm wearing a track suit similar to mother's while mine being black,blue belt,black combat gloves,spec goggles and red boots that used to belong to my mom.

Haruka:"yeah,since he's quirk is boost he said he doesn't need anything too flashy.just that"


Shinso:"alright everyone give your attention to the instructor of this facility"

Uraraka:"it's great to have you all here at the USJ,for those of you who don't know me my name is Uravity and I'll be showing you all the fields you'll be training in here and if you're looking to expand your physical skills to improve your quirks we have rehabilitation training.everyone can go explore the landscapes and use your quirks as you please,as for those who want to go in rehabilitation training please follow me"

2 1/2 hours later

Haruka:I go to the abandoned ruins,start practicing in high altitude and even kill some robots along the way."whew! Man that was amazing! Those guys don't know what their missing out!"I went out to check on Ryota and the rest of the gang.But as I got there...."huh?"


Torao:"y-y-you're back"

Suki:"how..was t-t-t-the f-fields?"

Rai:"what up girl?"

Ryugi:"I'm d-d-dying"

Hana:"It w-w-w-was b-brutal in there,trust me"

Haruka:I stand there in shock as I witnessed everyone as if they just went through hell."what happened? Was the training that awful?"

Shinso:"beats me,I was mostly monitoring the water field while Uravity helped the students in the storm building"

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