22#Hana and Rai vs Arachnia

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In the Ruined Cities

Rai:me and Hana were  some training on combat and target practice,while we're exploring the buildings we heard a huge sound coming from the far side of the USJ."hey what was that?"

Hana:"don't know,could be Haruka being loud as ever"

Rai:"I've never heard her make an explosion that big and loud from a far before and plus,isn't she still in the rehabilitation building?"

Hana:"oh yeah,maybe we shou-" I was cut of by a figure with large hands coming from behind us.


Hana:"look out!" I grabbed Rai with my tail and dashed to the side."you ok?!"

Rai:"yeah thank you!" I then turned to the guy with hammer shaped hands."hey! Who are you?! Why'd you attacked us?!"

Villain:"just a bunch of guys wanting to use our quirks to the fullest!" I say to him as the rest of my friends arrived.

Rai:we are surrounded by many people with their quirks activated."are they villains?!"

Hana:"if so then they were the ones who caused that explosion.we need to deal with these guys ourselves and regroup with the others"

Rai:"right!" I get into a fighting stance and start charging power.

Villain 1:"don't care if your kids,we'll crush anyone who tries to stop us!"

Villain 2:"nothing personal just feel killing something!"

Villain 3:"die!"


Hana:he gives me the signal as I used my tail to jump up high to stay clear out for his attack.

Villain 1"huh??!! How'd she do that?!"

Villain 2:"she has a floating quirk?!"

Villain 3:"shoot her down quick!"

Rai:"I don't think so" I cover my self with electricity ready to release it all."INDISCRIMINATE SHOCK - 100 VOLTS - THUNDER BLAST!!!"



Hana:he unleashes a huge attack that takes out all the villains.I manage to land safely and with all of them paralyzed I charge at all of them ready to attack."special move!" As I close in on them I use my tail and hit them from behind knocking them all out."MONKEY STRIKE DASH!!"

Rai:she hits them all from behind as they asleep."great job! That seems to be all of them"

Hana:"alright!" I said in excitement as I gave Rai a high five."let's head back quickly,the others might be in danger too"

Rai:"yeah let's go" as we were about to leave I noticed something shiny above us."huh? Are you seeing this?"

Hana:I looked around and saw some weird lights that surround us."are these strings?"

Rai:"this could be one of the villain's quirk"

Hana:"but there all knocked out" I say as I looked around to see all the villains lying the ground.

???:"up here darlings~"

Rai:we hear a voice witch surprised us,as we looked from above to see who it was we stand there to see a woman with short black hair,pitch blue eyes,and wore a full black body suit and high heel boots as she stood 5 meters above while standing on the strings."another villain!?"

Hana:"seems to be one of their leaders? Who are you?!"

Arachnia:"oh! Where are my manners? I didn't introduced myself,I'm Arachnia and I'm not the leader per say I'm more of the league's ace.seeing how you took down my goons I'll have to deal with you myself"

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