Chapter Eight: Sick day

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Solar woke to a cough, and a fever.

Which was funny, as skeleton monsters had never lungs nor blood to have either reaction.

Semi glazed golden eye lights blinked, as he slowly crawled from bed and sluggishly made his way downstairs for breakfast.

"Solar?" Mr Geno asked as he finally arrived, his pyjamas soaked from sweating magic.

"I think I need some water," he sluggishly said.

"I think you need to lay down," Mr Geno said walking over, he gently picked up the small skeletons and moments later had him bundled up on the couch with a glass of water.

"This is strange, skeleton monsters rarely get sick," Reaper told his mate, Geno nodded and he carefully took Solar's temperature.

"Mom?" a voice said, Geno turned to see a worried Goth looking into the room.

"Better stay away dear, poor Solar has come down with something," Geno told his only child by birth.

"Are you going to take him to a doctor Mom?" Goth asked worriedly.

At that moment, Solar turned his head and puked up magic that was more grey then his usual gold.

"Yes... that might be best," Geno said unhappily.


The Death family always found themselves quickly sorted out when they went to Sciencetale, part of it was the fact no one wanted to keep Death aka Reaper about, and also Sci had his place very well organized.

Geno would admit he was rather good friends with Sci, even if it was awkward in some ways.

Sci and Classic were his past selves, Sci always got a bit weird to see him married to literal Death when the younger Sans really liked Red.

Red of curse, was dense as heck.

"Who's this?" Sci asked, as Geno adjusted on the hospital bed.

"Our adopted son, Solar," Geno replied softy.

"So he's immune then?" Sci asked curious.

"Yes he is, but this morning he woke up very ill," Geno replied worriedly.

"He's usually very healthy," Reaper said from the other side of the bed, far enough away to not chancing touching Sci even briefly.

"Let em do a standard check first, for some baselines," Sci said, there was a hum of magic as he summoned the child's souls forth.

Or at least tried to.

"Strange, he's not soulless. I definitely could feel his soul, I'll have to get some more specialized equipment," Sci said frowning, he waved the nurses over to start to prep Solar and left to get more equipment.


"Finally..." Sci grumbled, as the strange device was held above Solars chest.



The other half

Amnesic, real name unknown

Eternal children

Is waiting...

"Wait... where are the rest of his stats," Sci said unhappily, there HP and other factors were still missing.

At that moment Solar screamed, and Reapers wings flared into existence and he vanished in a swirl of mist.

Unknown to many, it was at that moment the Original Au for Mustardtale collapsed.

As they destroyed there Au in senseless war that began that day, and ended the same day.

There was no reset.

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