Chapter Fifteen: Positivity

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"A spell to track magic?" Nightmare said.

Monsters rarely cast spells, as they were magic yet they were useful for when things needed more focus.

"Lets see," Nightmare said while yawning, he'd been up for 48 hours by this point. He blinked as he saw the ingredients needed.

"Magic of the one needed to be found," he whispered softly.

He smiled sadly, and carefully pulled out a cloth wrapped object. The cloth was easily unwrapped, revealing a golden circlet.

"Its time to return you to Dream," Nightmare told the item, which even after eons held a bare trace of Dreams magic.


There was a moment between sleep and awakening, when everything seemed clear.

Solar knew in that moment, that today was very important.

That he had to wake, that moment.

Golden eyes opened, and there owner slipped from bed and quickly yet quietly almost as if he was in a trace.

"Your up early Palette, you even beat Solar," Mr. Geno voice was heard, Solar paused just out of site.

"I.. wanted to talk," Palette said quietly from the kitchen.

"About what dear?" Geno asked.

"About Solar, or as he was known in my multiverse Dream the Guardian of positivity."

Solar knew he should be freaking out, a panic, bursting into the kitchen.. anything really.

But he did nothing, but stay there.

"So... his name is Dream, I was pretty sure but unable to verify this," came Mr. Reapers voice.

'Dream... my name is Dream' Solar thought faintly, he shifted a bit so he could see the three in the kitchen but they not see him.

Yes... he was Dream wasn't he, he knew it was a fact.

"I was a bit confused, Dream was an adult and... well married in my multiverse, he even had a kid," Palette told the two adult.

"So, he aged in that timeline..." Mr. Geno mused.

Solar was confused, he knew he didn't age and Mr. Reaper had taken hours to explain that to him. So a him that aged, was very strange.

"I knew right away who he was, but he needs training. You said he was amnesic, but I keep feeling his magic flaring. He needs to train, positivity out of control is just as bad as Negativity out of control," Palette said, there voice full of worry.

"Train.. positity?" Solar whispered to himself, is that why head hurt all the time.

He was feeling emotions?

Was that why he was sure that, even when Palette smiling he was crying inside?

Could he really cause trouble if he didn't get trained?

Yes... that small voice at the back of his mind whispered.

"You seem to know a lot about Dream, enough to recognize there magic," Geno said carefully.

"Yes.. I was.. they were..." Palette said unhappily, Solar found himself moving.

"You were Dreams son after all," Solar said surprising them all at suddenly being there, and what he said "And in that way, that makes you related to me also."

"Solar... I'm sorry for not telling you," Palette said tearfully.

"I don't mind having another brother Pally, just don't call me mom," Solar told him.

"Thanks..." Palette sniffled.

"How long were you there dear?" Geno asked him.

"Since you first spoke to him this morning," Solar admitted.

"There are a lot of unanswered questions, even a bit of information from Palette's timeline may help us help you," Reaper said thoughtfully.

It was at that moment, there was a knock the houses front door.

The adults traded looks.

But Solar knew.

Knew from the parts of his soul that remembered.

Negativity had come.


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