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A/N - There is gore, screaming, swearing, knives, mentions of mental sickness and a mental hospital, and many more. Art above isnt mine. I added the wall and picture frame. Art discovered on Google.


It was a fine night. Tommy and Tubbo were playing together in their room.

Untill they heard their parents scream.

"What was that?" Tubbo whispered to his older brother, Tommy

"Mum and Dad just screamed." Tommy whispered back.

"Tubbo go hide and call the police. Ill check downstairs" Tommy told Tubbo.

A certain masked man heard their conversation.

Third Person POV

5 : 20 PM, 6 Minutes after their parents died.

Tommy tip - toed outside their room not knowing about the masked man behind his door.

The masked man purposely threw a vase at the floor as he was finished burning most of the boys' parents.

The masked man stabbed Tommy in the back. Tommy shouting loudly in pain.

As for Tubbo, who was hiding under the bed, finished his call with the police when he suddenly heard his older brother scream.

"TOMMY!" Tubbo shouted and sprinted to where Tommy was.

He stood in horror, seeing Tommy's back pour blood.

He then saw green. He looked up and saw his masked face.


After that, Tubbo was shot in the head.

After the police arrived, They saw the parents' burnt bodies on the couch. After exploring they found the green hooded man and two freshly killed bodies that belonged to children.

Luckily, the masked man turned himself in, as he defended himself in court that he had severe schizophrenia.

He was sent to a mental hospital for he would stay there for the next five years.

Two minutes after Tommy and Tubbo died.

Tommy first woke up, not knowing how he died.

He saw his own body. The body his soul used to be in.

"AHHHHHHHH FUCK!" He shouted after seeing his own body.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Tubbo shouted awake. He wasnt scared of his and his brother's bodies. How strange...?

After analyzing what happened, he decided to see what he looked like.

"Hey Tommy?" "Yeah?" "Why dont we go see what we look like?" "Sounds pog, lets do it"

He walked into a nearby mirror, and was too shocked about how he looked like.

Tommy's blonde hair was changed into a dirty blonde color. His eyes stayed the same. His skin color grey. His iconic shirt had little rips on them. His jeans were ripped aswell. And he had wings. Wings with the color of blood.


"My turn!" Tubbo said.

Tubbo looked at himself in the mirror. His dirt brown hair more darker than ever. His dark blue eyes turned lighter. His skin color also grey. His green button up shirt and jeans also had rips on them. He had bee antennas on his head and bee wings on his back.


After seeing what they looked like, they were visble to eachother.

"Woaahh... Tubbo you really look like a bee." Tommy complimented.

"Thank you! You look like a pheonix!" Tubbo complimented back.

"Lets go find mum and dad!" Tubbo suggested.

"Sure big man." Tommy said.

As they went to the living room, the police had already arrived.

"What happened here...?" A policeman named Pride asked.

"No idea. A kid called us and told us their address." A policewoman named Les explained.

"Ugh, what IS that smell?! It smells like... smells like..."
A policeman named Gay said.

"Burnt corpses and corpses." A policewoman named Bi finished his sentence.

"It looks like the smell of burnt something is in the living room and dead bodies in one of the staircases." A policeman named Pan said.

"Alright. Lets split up. Les, Bi, come with me. Pride, Gay, Pan, go together." A woman named Ace said.

"Yes ma'am." They all saluted.

As the women went to the living room, they found the corpses almost immedietly.


"I dont know..." Les replied.

"Let's retrieve their bodies." Ace said.

The women used the stretchers and took the parents one by one.

As for the men...

"Shhhhh... guys look." Gay said.

They saw the masked man talking to nothing.

"Lets tranquilize him and take the bodies." Pride said.

After all that...

Tommy and Tubbo are now alone in the house.

They will never have company for five years.

Untill a certain blonde man and his adopted twin sons move into the home.


Word Count : 810

Published on Friday, June 18, 2021 5 : 16 PM

Edit 1 : Friday, June 18, 2021. 5 : 38 PM

Edit 2 : Saturday, Dec 18, 2021
10:08 PM


The police team's names are references to some sexualities!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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