Chapter 5: Prince Of Flames

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I took my usual routine around the city in search for a bandit that has caused trouble in the city.

Teitras remained ever so beautiful while I glided over it in the form of the fabled flamed phenoix.

I make a swift landing on the beach when I find some troopers filled the sanded area.

"Finally, you have arrived Hitoshi..." uttered one of the troopers.

"I want a full report of the crime!" I demand from the trooper as the sight of the dead corpses stung my eyes and made me mad.

"The crime took place not so long ago, they were brutally attacked by what would be a flame thrower, since their bodies have been severely burned." The trooper gave his analysis on what actually had happened here but I was not too sure about it.

I went to go check on the bodies myself, fully examining the cause, severity and outcome of this situation.

I took notice of wounds that could only have been caused by a katana, the question remained however, how a sword could cause this much damage?

As I looked for the most correct answer to this question, I got the sight of blood that created a trail.

A trail of blood!...

I follow the trail of the blood before noticing that it leads towards the city.


My body quickly converted into flames as I soared into the sky to find someone who is currently wounded.

I fly over the city, quickly reading every citizen who is heavily wounded.

But he or she could not have gone far?

I take notice of a man who was on his way to a library, he seemed very suspicious.

Dressed in a black kimono and a plate armor on his left shoulder while carrying a black katana, black hair, light brown skin complexion, and appeared to be wounded was ticking all the boxes.

I go for full on attack, knowing that this will ultimately kill him because this what I intend to do.

I reached ever closer to him knowing that his body would be burned to ashes.


He simply turned his body to the left, making me crash into a building while people stormed away out of the basic feeling of fear.

"Can't a man walk in peace?" He uttered, and to my surprise he was unbothered by presence at all.

"Are you the one responsible for killing those innocent people?!" I ask with anger boiling my veins.

"Are you to assume that they are innocent, or are you saying that just to put the attention to yourself like the hero you are?"

As he finished asking this question, I look at him as if he had some understandable reasons to justify his actions.

"Why?" I ask knowing that I will most likely get a vague answer.

"Because I wanted to..." He smiled in a way made me rethink my life choices.

But then I realized...

I'm his worst nightmare!...

I increase my Ryou so much so that the area I was situated in was now nothing but a huge crater and covered in flames.

My right hand was fully cloaked in flames as I quickly burst towards him, but he turns towards the opposite side, dodging it completely.

"Your Ryou is impressive, but you like basic killing instincts!" It was as if the samurai was begging for his own death.

Callous thoughts came to mind as if I was wrapped around an illusion that makes it even more impossible to comprehend.

I stand up from the the ever dirty ground and looked into the eyes of a man who had no fear, none at all.

"Tell me, samurai... What is it that you fear the most?" As controversial as it may sound, I truly needed to know what this man was really afraid of.

"That is something you're not ready for..." He casually responded which had a hint of miscellaneous atmosphere around it.

I go for the attack, he responds by simply dodging my attacks, whether it be from the left or from the right.

I stretch my arm to get him on the face, but he lowers his power to completely dodge my attack.

I raise my right arm to strike him down with a chop, but he flips foward to escape my oncoming attack.

He swings his sword to impale me, the blade however simply passes through my body.

"It does not surprise me that the fire elemental has fully mastered his Ryou."

His praise did not change the tone of the subject one bit, it made me clinch my fist and end him with all I had.

His eyes widened as flames covered the vicinity while my attack finally managed to hit him in the face.

The trajectory and force of this attack sent him flying and crashing into buildings over and over and over again.

It made me worry as many of the hard work of the citizens were laid to ashes through my quest as a hero.

That's when I heard a quick lock sound, which created strong gale wind forces, that saw the citizens struggle to keep themselves at equilibrium.


It all became silent as I looked at him, blood splatted everywhere while he smiled knowing full well that he has struck while the iron was hot.

He stood beside me while the sounds of souls crying could be heard from his sword.

Is his sword cursed?

He placed his foot on face while I was placed helplessly on the ground, knowing that I'm going to die.

"You're a good fighter, but the hunt is now complete..." He looked at me with his sadistic red eyes while he uttered those words.

He placed the sharp edge of his sword before raising it as high as possible.

I fulfilled my duty.... I am ready to die!...

Just as I made this claim to myself, his arm started glitching while a huge increase of Ryou could be felt.

"It's pointless killing him here..." Uttered the man.

"Very well, I lost interest in him in the first place..." he moved away from my side and started walking towards the man who had saved my life.

He's not worthy of being killed!

To Be Continued

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