Chapter 8: Railway Rush

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I sat as I await where my next destination with people that I hardly trust, but that's all I could get from life.

"Why is it that the World Union does its best to try to eradicate me? Have the Samurai of Ryoka done terrible things in the past?"

Thoughts cloud my mind while I sat in the train looking at the scenic view of the ocean until I felt something.

The bulbs were slightly shaking while sounds vibrated through the train till I noticed the bent ceiling.

I continued to scour the room to see if anyone had noticed the questionable commotion. The obvious choice for someone as impulsive as myself was to find the cause of this problem.

I made my way to the door, climbed the top of the ever speeding train. My eyes however were met with a sight of a grotesque beast.

The simple beast took notice and automatically began to attack me as any apex predator would.

I unsheathed my sword and took an attack stance, with the intent to kill. When the beast reached me, I struck it with a ferocious strike and my assumption was that I have slain the beast.

I decided to go back and maybe go into a state of slumber when my senses for the first time ever were heightened. The beast slowly rose up, fatally wounded but very much alive.

For a second, I was hesitant, wondering if my next strike would not be successful. With a large roar the beast charged while my sword gave off an unnatural aura.

I went for a diagonal slash which sliced through the gruesome beast as if I cut through butter. The now dead beast fell in to sea, or what's left of it.

I descended back to the train when I noticed that a book of mine was gone from my assigned seat. The book was a record of all my adventures up until this point. It is a prized possession of mine. The question is however, who would take it and most importantly why. It is of no benefit to anyone but myself, after all, the samurai of the past recorded the greatest experiences and I intend on doing so.

So I walked, searching for even the slightest detail of body languages that I could read. Some were dumbfounded, others were in awe, while some were in shock. I came to the conclusion that those that were in shock were merely doing so because of my ragged attire as well as my deadly weapon beside me.

Then, just then, my eyes fell upon a familiar face. In fact, it was too familiar, as if I had colluded with person before. It was at this point that I decided to pursue this person and that I was sure of myself that they have taken my book.

I walked slowly to the mentioned character but when I approached closer to him, he was someone that I haven't met.

"This book is something I tell ya..." he complimented as if the book he was reading was his and his only.

"It is indeed quite the book." I mention as I sit right across him.

"So you must be the owner of this book, I must say I'm quite impressed." He says while paging the book gently.

"Stealing is not a virtue to live by" I say as I sternly look at him.

He changes his sight to that of the view as he casually pushes my book towards me.

"You are an interesting man, but you're no different to the characters who I have read of." He beckons while immersed with the view.

"My life's story is not for your amusement." I take my book and start to walk away from this conversation.

"You need help navigating through Venor, it is of your best interest to have someone like me help you in Venor." He uttered

This did not help the situation one bit, but he did manage to get his point across, maybe under all that mysterious personality is that of a curious tiger with a determined to see his plans through.

"And what if obliged, does that entail an unwanted scenario?" I ask.

"No, not really. I can only help while in Venor but beyond that you're on your own, I'm sure I'll just annoy you with my antics." He replied

"Then it's decided, I shall see at station, and I shall bring some companions along." I give him my answer which he then simply replied with a smile that maybe a sign of approval.

I walk away to go and find Eiji and Hitoshi but I question remained unanswered after this interaction.

I chose to continue walking away but the knowledge obtained from interaction was null and void. I am to know whether his friend or foe, but maybe the decision in itself was best at the time.

The idea of him possibly knowing who I am still bothers me much, but it's simply best to keep my distance.

"You look dazed my friend." Eiji exclaimed as he came to sit next to me just before the end of the ride.

"Every once in a while, we drift from reality into a world of our imagination." I replied

"You worry too much about the little things. We have reached our destination so be more joyful about this." He replied.

Wise words from a man with such intellect, but the ideas never leave my head. Maybe it is best to push these thoughts aside so I as to maintain my focus, both mind and body to next part of my journey.

It will a new chapter of this story, but I'm sure that things will indeed turn out to be just fine.

To be continued...

A quick message from the Author .
A thank you to everyone that reads my book and a special thanks to my good friends SwagyOtaku and MaanieXD  for helping me out with this chapter

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