Chapter 7: First Tower

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The days were like any other, paperwork flying around, people stressing about unimportant things while I simply sipped on my tea and managed to see this chaos as another day in my life.

"Things are looking a little bit chaotic today isn't it..." Leonard asked from the tip of his seat, sleepy as usual.

"You're asking the obvious, Leo..." I reply while sipping on my hot tea.

"By the way, have you seen Inabai today?" Leonard asked.

"No... Why do you ask?" I question his question for the simple purpose of curiosity.

"The old man said that he was supposed to accompany the royal family of Hydros to the island of Westeria." Leonard reply right after placing his sword on his left shoulder.

"That idiot is obsessed with catching the Samurai as if he were an incurable disease."
I reply knowing that that was what Inabai was basically up to.

"If the old man found out, he'd be pretty stoked..." Leonard casually replied.

"Anyways what should we do this weekend?" I ask with the hopes that Leonard has something planned for us.

"I don't actually know what..."

"Leonard!!! Kawasaki!!!"

Before Leonard even managed to finish his sentence, the chief of all operations was walking sturdily towards us.

Leo and I manage to stand up and in a state of salutation with hands vortexed at an acute angle while we yelled "Yes Sir!" in unison.

"Proceed with me to my office at once!" He turned his back towards us and marched towards his office while the while cloak allowed itself to be hurdled by the breeze that was swept in through the open windows.

"Do you think he's gonna scold us?" Asked Leo while whispering at his best.

"We're grown men, he won't scold us..." I say while allowing some saliva to go down my throat.

Then towards my right, came the ever cheeky Nanao while she tried her best to keep herself from laughing at us.

"Good luck in detention..." She uttered.

"To your quarters, Nanao!" The old man replied while she hastily walked away from us.

Alas, we were finally at the old man's office where proceeds to sit at his desk.

We took the seats that were opposite the old man and awaited.

"Lately I have discovered that Inabai is always absent and leaves his troops by themselves while he runs off doing what only God knows." The old man stated.

"But what does this have to do with us?" Leo eagerly asked the old man.

"I know that you have been letting that absurd idiot to run after the samurai as if it was the monster under his bed."

"We did not want any unnecessary altercations with him Sir." I reply gently so as not to cause the old man any problems.

"Then tell him that the World Union has sent the Corpse Crew to track and assassinate the samurai and anyone who is in cooperation with him." The old man stated.

"The Corpse Crew?" Leo confusingly asked.

"What rock have you been living under? The Corpse Crew are an organization that work directly under the World Union as well as the Seven Noble Families to spy on and assassinate anyone that the World Union finds suspicious." I reply with the knowledge that I have retained from the meetings I had with all respective organizations of the World Union.

"Man, is that how much the World Union fears one little samurai..." Leo uttered with sheer laziness.

"Don't take this matter lightly!" The old man replied to his comment.

"But where could Inabai be at this moment?" I ask.

"Who knows, who cares..." Leo casually replied.

"If he doesn't return by tomorrow or by Thursday then I will expel him from this organization." The old man sadly replied.

"We shall inform him of this, Sir!"

"Yeah we will..."

After saying these words, both of us leave the office while Leo started rubbing his hands as if he was nervous about something.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask.

"I need my coffee..."

"Say what now..."

He then started shaking me violently before loudly yelling.


"Fine, we'll get some coffee..." I reply just to keep myself away from his misery.

"To the cafeteria!" I still couldn't fathom the idea that this place was similar to a school.

Just as we started moving, the very miscellaneous Nanao approached us just to attend the lunch hour break with us.

"What are you guys going to eat for lunch?" She asked as if she was planning on having the very same thing that Leo and I desire.

"COFFEE!!" Leo replied in a extremely menacing manner.

"So what will you be up to now that you will be joining the Black Ops?" I ask Nanao about her switch to working for the Black Ops.

"I heard they are a bunch of spies that work under the World Union and they pretty much want me to join them, plus it's a much cooler job then having to design weapons for these guys." She sighs at the thought of it.

"I don't see how this job is boring..." Leo responded to Nanao's previous statement.

"It does pay very well, I mean you usually go on holidays in Teitras."

"But Teitras is so boooring... I want go to places like Arraban Country and Bellenoir, you know it's rains clouds there..." She uttered while spreading her arms as if she was present there.

"Of course it would, Clouds are rain, that doesn't change anything." Leo sarcastically replied.

But it does!

That voice sounded very unfamiliar that it made me look around before I looked in front and saw a man dressed in white clothing, but his most distinguished feature was the striped mask he was wearing.

"And who might you be?!" Leo asked while unsheathing his sword.

"No need for any altercations, Leonard!" He replied but walked towards us.

"Then why are you here?" Nanao asked.

"I came to tell you to keep that friend of yours away from our target!"

The moment he uttered those words, I knew that he was no ordinary man.

To Be Continued...

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