Chapter 10 - What do we do now

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Trigger warnings: Homophobia idk what else so tell me


George POV:

"I'm sorry that You don't like me, I love George and there's nothing you can do that will stop me from seeing him." Clay said raising his voice at my mum. There's no way he actually meant that right? I looked over at Clay and saw that he hadn't broken eye contact with my mum the whole time staring bullets through her. My mum then snapped her head to look at me and yelled.

"So? Do you also love him George? Are you also a F*g Like your buddy Clay over here? Me or him George, answer NOW!"

I started to feel light headed there was so much pressure put on me. I always had loved my mom, she was always nice and an amazing mum, until I found out how homophobic she was, But Clay used to bully me everyday and now he says he loves me? Do I love him? Then I remember how he stood up for me at the party, jumped in front of a car to save my life risking his own, and how he is standing up for me right now. Suddenly I don't feel light headed anymore and a burst of confidence rushes over me.

"Yes mum I do love Clay, Clay is here for me, He even risked his own life to save mine from a car that YOU were driving! You don't support me at all. So yes I love Clay and were not F*g's. I might not mean something to anyone else but at least I mean something to him!" I yell while tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. I see as my mum reaches over to grab my wrist but clay pushes her away from me.

"Don't you dare touch him!" He stood in front of me protectively and grabbed my hand. "Cmon George let's go." He grabbed my hand and tugged at it and I looked at my mom, she looked angry and dumbfounded. I look at Clay and back my mom, I opened my mouth but I couldn't find any words to say. I gave a very small smile to her and then turned to Clay and walked out of the house with him. Its about 6am and I realized I don't even have a shirt on so we both run to Clays house which is a little over a block away.

We stumble through the door and by this point I'm freezing half to death. Clay takes notice of this and scoops me off my feet carrying me bridal style up to his bedroom. He lays me down carefully on the bed making sure not to hit my head. 

"Stay here I'll be right back I'm going to run a bath for you." He says smiling at me running out of the room leaving me shirtless on his bed. My mind is running with emotions and at this point I don't know what's happening. The last 24 hours have not been the best per say, almost having your mum run you over, Having your Ex bully make out with you, then getting kicked out of your house? Not the ideal Saturday. Then the door bedroom door opens as Clay heads to his closet grabbing one is his sweatshirts that are practically dresses on me. He also grabs some fuzzy socks and a towel. 

"Ok your bath is ready your highness" He says with a chuckle. I slowly get off the bed and make my way to the bathroom Clay following behind me. I open the bathroom door to see that he had ran a bubble bath for me, he also had clothes laid out for after I get out. Were just standing there akwardly not knowing what to do before I hear Clay said.

"Go ahead get in I won't look"

What did he say? 

"What are you going to like bathe me or something?" I question back.

"Well I was kind of planning on it" he said as he scratched the back of his neck. I mean I was dumbfounded to be honest. I wasn't planning on him wanting to bathe me but I guess I'm fine with it. He then turns around covering his eyes to prove to me he wasn't looking. I then take off my clothes hesitantly before going into the bath. The bubbles cover up body so you couldn't see it through the water. 

"ok you can look now." I say looking at him. He turns around and walks over to the side of the bath sitting on a little stool. He then grabs a bottle of shampoo that was strawberry scented and applied some to the top of my head massing it it making sure to reach the scalp. It was so relaxing it made me want to fall asleep. He did the same thing with the conditioner but before He could wash it out a beep went off from downstairs. 

"Oh that must be the timer I set for the waffles. Do you mind if you wash yourself and get dressed? meet me downstairs when your done." He said with a smile leaving the bathroom. I then continued to wash up and put my clothes on. I looked in the mirror at myself wearing the huge sweatshirt on me with my fuzzy socks, he had given me no pants so I was just left in my boxers. I make my way downstairs and the strong smell of waffles filling the air. I round the corner to see Clay had set the table with 2 plates of waffles, eggs, and a glass of apple juice. He had a smile on his face as he gestures me over to sit. I take a seat thanking him before I pour syrup over my waffles and diving in.

"You look cute right now" Clay says with a smile on his face. I practically choke on my waffles when he says that.

"Awe is Georgie flustered?" he says laughing.

"No" I say coughing taking a big swig of apple juice

"ok ok whatever" Clay says rolling his eyes playfully. We then both start eating in silence but It was a comfortable silence because we were both starving. After we finish we both look at each other smiling.

"Thanks for everything Clay, Saving me, standing up for me, bathing me, cooking for me, I really couldn't thank you enough." I blurt out. 

"No problem, but we can't stay here for long, my dad will be home soon and you don't wanna mess with him." He says as his demeanor changed.

"well, where could we go?" I say now realizing the situation.

"Well, before my mom left, her and my dad had stalks in the bank saving up to pay for college. It's quite a lot of money, I could deposit it and we could rent a small apartment somewhere, then we could both get jobs and work our way up. But that's only my plan, I know it's a bit rushed and sorry if it's a bit crazy but we're both not safe or allowed in our houses and I kind of just want to start over. Would you want to with me?" 

"Would we still attend high school?" I asked now a bit intrigued.

"Well, our parents would know where we were, but I still want to at least graduate high school so we could either transfer to a new high school or do online." he said fiddling his thumbs.


"Wait really?"

"Yah I Don't see why not"

"yay! Ok I'll start packing and you go grab a backpack for food, also if you go in my garage there will be bikes that we can take." He said standing up.

"Ok!" I replied following his orders. About half an hour later we were all ready to go, Our plan was going into his dad account and deactivating notifications so he wouldn't be alerted that a large deposit had been made, then ride to the bank get the money, rent a motel for a couple of nights before finding a place to live. It seemed like a good plan. 

We went on the laptop and continued with step one. done. Then we headed to the garage and hoped on our bikes. 

"Oh wait lets smash an window from the outside to make it look like someone broke in or something." Clay said jumping off his bike. I heard a loud smash indicating that he had broken the window then heard footsteps coming back. He hopped on his bike and looked over at me. 

"Let's get going then!" Clay said as we started to peddle.

"Now where do you think you 2 are going?" A man said as he stepped into the garage, he looked tired, drunk, and had an exact resemblance of Clay.



AHHHHHHHHH I haven't posted in a hot sec yall. I have been busy with school and shit. I will try to post more regularly but I'm not making any promises because I have basketball like 5 days a week. Anyway love yall I can't believe we have 1.3k reads wthhhhh. Also my friend lizzie helped me write some of this chapter, not as much as the last but she was there watching over me (: love yall have a great day, night, evening muah <3

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