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Adonis woke up groggy, confused, and in the hospital

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Adonis woke up groggy, confused, and in the hospital. His face was swollen and he had a terrible migraine.
"Shit..." he groaned and tried to sit up but ended up vomiting all over the floor.
"DOC!" He tried to yell his loudest but it came out weak. Two nurses rushed in and began tending to Adonis.
"Where's my fucking wife?" He slurred.
"Mr. Creed, we need you to calm down. You suffered a concussion and abdominal injury-"
"Fuck all that. Where's my wife? Where's my wife?!"
After calming him down, one of the nurses wheeled Adonis to a different floor and into a room where Parker laid in bed lifeless. The color was drained from her and her hair was shaved on one side. Adonis stood up despite the pain he was in and grabbed her hand.
"Babygirl...I'm right here. I'm here and I'm not leaving I swear" he kissed her forehead.
"Mr. Creed?" A voice said from behind him. Adonis turned around to see a female doctor standing at the door. "Why don't you have a seat so we can talk"
Adonis took a seat in his wheel chair next to the bed that Parker laid on and continued to hold her hand.
"Adonis...your wife sustained a number of injuries in the crash. She was ejected through the windshield of the vehicle and thrown a few hundred feet..."
Adonis shook his head and squeezed Parker's hand.
"She suffered a concussion and mild brain injury. She needed emergency surgery which is why half of her head has been shaved-"
"Will she heal?" Adonis' eyes were filling with tears as he looked at his wife. Her face was bruised and she looked sad almost.
"Mr.....Adonis, your wife is four months pregnant...." Adonis looked up at the doctor in complete shock. He wiped his tears away and tried to conjure up a sentence but nothing came out. "We checked over the baby immediately and the baby is perfectly fine. Parker's stomach is bruised and the baby was in fetal distress upon arriving at the hospital and us discovering the pregnancy but we were able to get the baby's heartbeat stabilized..." the doctor opened her folder and handed Adonis a few ultrasound images of his baby.
"Wow...." he smiled while looking at the images. "And the baby is okay?"
"Yes. Currently hooked up to the doppler. You can hear the heartbeat..." the doctor walked over to the monitor and turned up the volume so Adonis could hear his baby's heartbeat. He marveled at the sound and kissed Parker again.
"When will she wake up?"
"Adonis...there's no way to know. She's in a comatose state so to speak but there's brain activity on the screen. So she's alive but she's not awake if that makes sense"
"None of this shit makes any sense. Will she be okay? Will she wake up? Will the baby be okay?"
"We'll take it one day at a time. She's okay right now. She's definitely a fighter. Her and the baby for even still being alive after that horrible crash. The baby is good and they'll both be good"
"So what the hell am I supposed to do until then?"
"Pray. Call your family, call her family for support"
The doctor left and Adonis sat there in silence, thinking. He had his "family" but Parker didn't speak to hers. She cut them off after her family tried taking advantage of Adonis and his money. They tried to get Adonis to buy them a new house and car. Her parents even found a house closer to Parker and Adonis and spoke to a realtor without their knowledge. After Adonis made it clear that he wasn't taking care of them financially, they got angry and accused him of all kinds of shit. Publicly accusing him of being abusive and controlling.
Adonis bit the bullet and called them anyways.
"Hello.." Parker's dad answered the phone with a raspy voice.
"Mr. Finch... I'm calling about Parker...."
After hours of arguing and disagreements, Adonis convinced Parker's parents to fly to Nevada to support her.

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