unexpected love confection from my crush.

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AN: hi guys,I want to share a story and iam sure u guys will loved this story in the end of this story I will tell the secret of this story..if you like my story pls pls like and follow me in wattapad ❣️ ok let's start.....
Part 1.
The story start with a 6 years girl, who is waiting to ring the school bell after ringed she rushed from school to her father's place which is near to her school as Soon she went she saw his father is doing some work so she silently sitted in chair and watched her father after sometime her father noticed her and called her she goes to him and call paa iam waiting for you her dad smiled and said I know for whom you are waiting she smiled he gaved her money and said iam sorry i forgetted to buy your biscuits she said it's ok I can buy myself and smiled her dad asked where is your sister she starred and a voice came from behind IAM here dad she came and said you how many times I told you not to go alone from school she hided behind his dad her dad came and said to her izu(younger daughter lead role)why u didn't listened to what rifa (elder sister)is saying is most important thing  don't come alone ok..she noded and the sisters are on the way to their home...
Note: if you like this pls comment me for further part..that will inspire me to write..

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