Harry Potter - 1.9

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"You said it would work!"

He could feel himself burning with white-hot angerfrustrationgriefpain and was struggling to contain it.

"I—I said it might work." Obito shrank beneath his intense red eyes. "My kamui is a space-time technique but without a proper anchor or firsthand knowledge of where she is exactly I can't—!"

Madara cursed.

"Obito-san is trying his best." Itachi said softly though everyone could sense his restlessness. There were dark rings around his eyes. He was exhausted. It was a miracle he hadn't collapsed yet.

Madara wasn't faring much better.

"This is all my fault..." Naruto said brokenly. "I shouldn't have been so reckless..."

"What's done is done." Kakashi said, speaking up for the first time in awhile. "What we need to do is focus on bringing them back."

"What of Orochimaru? Has he found anything?"

"Not yet." Said Tsunade. "He's still searching through his scrolls."

"I could see her..." Madara whispered. "She was right there and she slipped my through my fingertips."

"And then I lost the connection..." Obito trailed off dejectedly.

"We know she's alive." Hashirama said brightly though his eyes were filled with worry.

"Tobirama was hit with the brunt of the explosion." Madara turned to Hashirama. "I'm sorry."

Hashirama forced a smile.

"He was protecting your sister. He wouldn't want you to be sorry."

"Um." Minato spoke up and flushed when everyone turned towards him. "I may he wrong... so correct me if I am... but, well, doesn't Nidaime-sama have hiraishin anchors in Konoha?"

A beat.

"He does." Hashirama affirmed with growing excitement.

"And... aren't they calibrated to his chakra signature?"

"They are." Madara nodded in understanding. "You think—?"

Minato nodded.

"I think we can reverse that connection and use it communicate with him with the help of Obito's kamui." He explained. "I mean, the problem we had when trying to reach Izuna-hime was we kept losing the connection because we didn't really have a clear one connected to her. The one we had was too weak but Tobirama's hiraishin seals are—-!"

"This might work." Madara began pacing. "It has to work."

It would work.

Madara bowed to Minato.

"Thank you."

Minato smiled sheepishly.

"It was no trouble... really."


November had finally come and with it came Quidditch season.

Harriet grinned.

Neville whimpered.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

Harriet grinned.

Ron grinned.

Draco grinned.

"Get away from us you—you maniacs." Hermione scooted closer to Neville. "Leaves us normal people in peace!"

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