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"Don't say it."


"Don't you say it."

"I told you so." Tobirama said smugly, laughing as his wife tackled him. "You should've listened to me when I said you painted that seal wrong. But nooo Izuna knows best doesn't she? 'Be quiet Tobi-kun! I know what I'm doing!'"

"Stop it, Tobirama!"

Ink covered Izuna's nose, a small black cloud puffing from her as she sneezed. She then pouted at her husband's amused grin.

"It's not my fault fuinjutsu hates me." Izuna grumbled, irritation melting at her husband's adoring eyes.

"The explosion was funny."

She scowled, pushing herself out of her husband's arms.

"It was not."

He only hummed placatingly. "If you say so, dear."

Tobirama sifted through a pile of failed attempts, his eyes widening at one seal in particular.

"Were you trying to recreate the hiraishin?"

"Ah," She blinked, nodding. "I was."

Tobirama smiled at her fondly.

"The hiraishin is difficult. I'm impressed you managed to decipher this much." He said as he patted her head.

"SASUKE!" Naruto hollered, obviously wanting her to partake in their traditional scream-bonding.

Izuna would happily oblige.

"NARUTO!" She screamed back as loudly as she could.

"Not this shit again." Tobirama muttered underneath his breath amidst their call and responsive yelling.

They fed off each other's enthusiasm, their screams looping for an eternity.



Naruto spread his arms wide.


Izuna opened her arms, beckoning her friend into her embrace.


Like something out of a cartoon, Naruto slipped, falling to the ground in what appeared to be slow motion, his blue eyes wide in shock, mouth agape as a startled yelp escape from it.

He landed on a pile of unfinished hiraishin seals—-unstable hiraishin seals.

Izuna flinched.


Nothing happened.

Izuna let out a relieved sigh.

"No running in the lab." Tobirama said.

Naruto stood sheepishly.

"Sorry." He said, ears red in embarrassment.

Tobirama stared at him.

Naruto chuckled nervously. "I'm... I'm gonna just.... bye!"

In a yellow flash, Naruto was gone.

Izuna turned to Tobirama.

"That could have gone—-!"

Damn it, Murphy!

A rush of bright light surged through the lab.

"IZUNA!" Tobirama yelled, jumping in front of her as one of the incomplete hiraishin seals triggered abruptly causing a chain like reaction to occur with the others.

Izuna barely had enough time to process Tobirama's arms wrapping around her as the colours of her world blurred.

Her vision faded.

But not before she could scream.


So this is just a short taste of what's to come.

I'm having a hard time deciding which fandom they'll visit first so I'd like you guys to help me out!




LOTR/The Hobbit


Harry Potter


Code Geass

Death Note


Demon Slayer


Another fanfiction (with the permission of the author)

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