2: The pond

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The water thundered as it fell onto the sand, the sound growing deeper and louder, like the mighty beating of a thousand drums. Lexy winced, but she couldn't see what was happening. Because the river was so well hidden, making in Lexy's opinion the perfect Nyx hideout, the town's lights were out of sight. She tried to listen to the cars droning in the distance, but she couldn't even find that small comfort, as the splashes drowned out their fuel deprived engines.

The moonlight shone over the water as a whirlpool appeared at the centre of the stream. Lexy gasped, as she felt terror surging through her veins. She wanted to run, but she knew that she couldn't just turn her back; It was too risky. She had to see what was happening. Was it finally a Nyx? She gulped.

 "I'm not scared", she yelled hoping she sounded angry and tough. No, I am not a 14-year-old who is about to get murdered. 

She reached for her keys and wrapped them around her fingers, trying to remember the best way to punch someone. Either the jaw or the throat. As her heart raced, she toyed loosely with the keychain, a small flower that her uncle had given her a few months prior. It was a habit she'd picked up recently, especially when she was afraid.

You see, Jayesah considered Lexa to be fearless, but this wasn't completely accurate. Don't get me wrong, she was not easy to scare, she was immature and reckless, but she wasn't dumb. Even if she was an adrenaline junkie, Lexy knew when a situation was exhilarating and when it turned dangerous.

In the middle of nowhere, she was alone, and the river's black hole seemed to get deeper by the second. Running into witches in the darkness was concerning. Lexy was panicking as she backed away slowly, hoping that she'd make it to the green lane before she was spotted. Then she'd turn and she'd run away as fast as she could.

Lexy breathed deeply, and held the keys in her palm, finding the metal touch calming, protecting. She whipped her phone out and texted Henry. Something is wrong. She had almost made it, but then, she heard a quiet sob and sweet voice.

"Wait, please"

Lexy's heart stopped. It sounded like a little girl speaking. She frowned, this was definitely a trap. However, she couldn't afford to antagonize the mysterious child, so she stood still. The green lane was barely a few meters away, but she wouldn't make it. She tried to mask her fear with her smile. She lifted her palms: "I mean you no harm, I swear, I'm--"

Before she'd even finished speaking she heard another sob. This time she knew where it came from. Right on cue, a young woman emerged from the centre of chaos: Her head hung low, her skin was bright white and she wore a flowy gown that seemed to be made out of water. It draped her skinny figure, as she hugged her arms sobbing, hopelessly.

Something broke in Lexy's chest. She couldn't help feeling sorry for the strange being that floated in front of the moon a few steps in front of her. Like a firefly, she was lured by her voice. "Don't cry", she pleaded, the danger forgotten. What's wrong?

The woman looked up, as she locked eyes with our young protagonist. They were red, irritated. Effortlessly she glided forward, and laid on a rock, burying her face in her arms. As Lexy approached her and placed her hand on her light green hair, she whispered: "Someone is going to die. "

Lexa understood, she really did. She felt safe, as she took the woman's hand. She looked like a goddess, her saviour, her long nails biting into her skin. She was walking now, she had no choice, one foot after the other she entered the river. The water soaked her shoes, and she could feel the rocks under her feet until she slipped and fell headfirst. It was a splash of reality, and it woke her up from her trance. She stood right back up, as she grabbed a small rock, the woman peering at her with curiosity, to see if there was any problem. "Are you okay, my love?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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