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Even though we are moving away from the main plot of our philosophical corn, we have something to discuss, my dear readers. You can consider this as a spinoff.

And that is popcorn.

You see, popcorn is something fascinating, in my opinion.

To make it just perfect, you have to be patient and careful.
If you hold it too long, it burns. If you hold it too little, it doesn't pop. Doesn't it remind you of something?


And what can you do when you watch romcoms?
Eat popcorn.
But what do you have to do to get popcorn?
You have to make it.

See? This is something I call the pop(corn) cycle.

There, now you are a half an amateur of popcorn, now.

You must be asking: ''But, writer, why am I not an expert?''
And I'm glad, that you asked, even though you probably didn't.

There are many things for popcorn:
The amount of butter, or no butter at all;
The package and presentation of popcorn.

What, you wanted to put it in a bowl?
That's why you are an amateur.
You make popcorn in a microwave? 
You are an amateur.

So as you can see, we have a lot to discuss.

First of all, flavor. It can be sweet, salty, cheesy, just like romcoms. 

It can be sweet from the classic caramel, but, honestly, it can be anything else. If you want to get your hands messy, just to get an enjoyment of sweet popcorn, I respect you and recommend you maple or date syrup. It's as sweet as a good romcom you watched after moving on from your breakup. It's even sweeter if you didn't even had to break up. Or just be in a relationship. (Sugar also is ok, but you have to be more than an expert to use it right)

Cheesy, (just like all romcoms in general) can be made with a powder. But, if you want to go extreme... uhhh... you can try real cheese and we'll see how it goes. Now that I think about it, I have to try it...

Salty (Just like antagonists in romcoms, if there are any) can be made with... salt. It's quite effective, if you want to drink water after that, when you have eaten popcorn in the bottom. The taste is gradually coming from tasteless to extra salty. But, please do prepare lots of water after that.(✿◕‿◕✿)

There are even more flavors:

Bacon, it's salty, but has a little of a taste of... piraat chips. You do need water after this as well.

Chocolate with caramel, I would say, is the sweetest, most beautiful flavor I've ever had of popcorn

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Chocolate with caramel, I would say, is the sweetest, most beautiful flavor I've ever had of popcorn.

With fruit and berry powder, that makes the popcorn colorful. It's fun and tasty, perfect for carnivals, amusement parks and big city events.

Recently, I've discovered a beautiful website, that has 45 gourmet flavors. It's so beautiful and tempting. Just let me list some of them:
Aged white cheddar
Bacon-y cheddar ranch
Caramel nut crunch
Caramel pumpkin spice
Caramel, cheddar
Caramel, cheddar, kettle
Cheddar, white cheddar
Cheddar, white cheddar jalapeño
Classic caramel
Classic cheddar
Creamy butter
Dark+White chocolate caramel
Dark chocolate caramel
Honey mustard
Kettle corn
Lite extra virgin olive oil with pink Himalayan salt
Lite simply sea salt
Salt and vinegar
Sour cream and chives
White cheddar jalapeño
White chocolate caramel
White chocolate pepermint

To see even more, you can visit this place
By the way, if you tried any of these popcorns, please do let me know.

Now that both you and I know how many endless flavors there can be, I think we should talk about something as serious as flavors... Maybe even more serious than that

And that is the presentation.

Using a bowl is something an amateur would do. It's not terrible, but not great too. Instead, you can make custom buckets. But I, personally don't enjoy buckets as much as paper/cardboard bags.
They are recyclable
You can make them easily
You can decide on your own: what size, color and pattern it's going to have

Plastic buckets are reusable and you can customize them with paint, which is fun, if you have a creative soul. It's also hard to tear apart... it's not like I tried...

Now, that you sit down with your popcorn, holding it with your own paper/cardboard bag and/or a customized plastic bucket, I'd say you have grown a lot and can now enjoy your romcoms.

Thank you for reading this spinoff, that just does(n't) make sense. 

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