The hunt

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''Take it on the left!'' One of the men shouted. The corn felt it's leaves being more heavy. The upper side felt more light and the world was spinning around. Was this... the end?

It was nailed to the ground. The giant tried to move, but it was nearly impossible. The rope, that was tangled around it, was so tight, that it even hurt the leaves. The corn looked up to the dark, cloudy sky and sighed. There were too many people to try getting get out of this.

It saw the farmer in the back, looked like he was having a call. He was frowning and said something to his wife. His wife widened his eyes, but then nodded and replied. Since it was already loud with others shouting orders and running around, it didn't hear the conversation at all. Everything suddenly blurred.

But then, something came into its mind
''If this is the end...'' thought the corn, ''what will happen next? What will happen to my fellow corns? What about.. what about The Beautiful Corn? If I give up- how will I explore the wonders of this world?''
It was getting warmer. But this time the leaves got weaker. It couldn't do anything....

It would have been better to give up.

So it let those people to run around, shout everywhere, it didn't care anymore. The clouds were getting darker, making the corn sigh even heavier. It started raining and everything eventually turned muddy and wet. Truly, a depressing sight to see.


It felt a little pain, a little itching and relief. The husks got smaller and weaker, same was with the kernel. Was it... shrinking? 

The giant shrinking was noticed by others as well. Everybody there widened their eyes and suddenly, they looked intimidating, like giants. They were frowning, holding their weapons ready to catch the corn once again. The tangled rope, that made a net pattern was too large and coarse for a small vegetable like it was once again.

So now the corn was not only small, muddy and a little more sad, but also got picked up by the lead farmer himself. He called over his wife: ''Bertha!''
She came towards as the rest of the hunters moved aside. She saw a corn in her husband's right hand and a wide and relieved smile on his face. He continued: ''Bertha, darling, I got it!''

Right as he said that, the other people around cheered. The work was done and everybody (supposedly) were safe again. Bertha, however, instead of answering back with a smile to her husband, raised an eyebrow. If a simple corn like that could not only grow in an abnormal size and grow out the husks that easily function as human arms and legs, it also chased after the children. Because it was angry. Which meant, it had some kind of intelligence, if it could express that kind of emotions.

That corn is no longer a vegetable- a mutant would be a more suitable word. 

''Since it is small now,'' she stated, ''I think we should use the advantage to examine it while we can. In fact, there is no guarantee the same won't happen to the rest of the crops, so it would be logical to examine both the crops and the environment.'' 
Some people nodded, some were rubbing their chins and others pushed out a heavy sigh - the work with this damn thing is not done yet.

''Agreed,'' The farmer answered. He squinted his eyes at the corn he was holding. Well, for now it seemed like a pretty fine and healthy corn, however, his wife had a point, it had to be examined.

''I have a suggestion,'' one of the hunters raised a hand- a small bald man with a black, shaggy beard. Everyone gave the attention and he took a deep breath before he continues: ''My sister's wife is a scientist who specializes in biology.. I could ask her for help.''
Bertha nodded. ''Please do get in contact with her as soon as possible. But what do we do while waiting for someone who can make proper tests in here?''

Silence. Some were staring at the vegetable in Farmer's hands, some were staring at the ground and some were still rubbing their chins.

''Why don't we destroy it?'' Somebody asked. The corn felt the cold, the chills and shrivels down its kernel. Now, it would be understandable to examine, because it was as confused as anybody else was, but... destroy?

There was some mumbling of approval. ''Okay... so they DO consider destroying me.'' the corn thought. 

The corn out of pure panic started to do the first thing that came to its mind. To get out of the Farmer's hand. After that, it'll think of the further action. For now, the priority is to break out of the his grip. So it started to spin on it's own. I t didn't have any arms or legs anymore, but it could still rotate its own kernel.

The farmer noticed corn's intentions so the grip became a lot stronger. This made corn panicking a lot more and spin even more intense. The farmer now used his left hand as well and it almost looked like he tried to strangle a vegetable in his hands. While it may look a bit comic if you observe the situation as a hunter in the crowd, however it was the complete opposite for our main character. It couldn't move and it felt like suffocating. No air, no space to move, absolutely nothing.

Suddenly, another miracle came to the corn. Corn felt het another itching in its husk. If it would be growing as a giant once again, the Kernel would feel the changes as well, but there was nothing, except the squeeze from Farmer's grip. As there was a little more space, the corn found another chance to rotate. Then it felt something.
The miracle that blessed the corn were a new pair of arms and legs- they were proportionally smaller and a lot weaker, but they would be good enough for getting away from the farmer.

So now not only the corn could rotate, but also can use its arms and legs to break out to freedom and run away from everyone else. It was a lot more challenging, however, because the Farmer was pretty strong. 

While the Farmer was trying to keep the vegetable in his hands, others didn't know what to do. They looked at each other, at the corn and the man holding it. Then all the eyes landed on Bertha, the Farmer's wife. She didn't know what to do as well. 

As she noticed the stare from her coworkers, her eyes squinted. She crossed her arms and was nibbling her elbows. She turned towards the hunters and said: ''Get a box, we shall put the corn in there. After that, we can burn the box and examine the rest of the farm. Are there any questions?'' 

Since there were no questions and the following order was clear, around 4 people went looking for a suitable box and the rest went to prepare a fireplace where they could burn the corn...

to be continued


This fic had a huge hiatus LMAO

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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