🌽That day🌽

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Before You read this, prepare Yourself with losing more braincells than usual. Why so? Because I decided to go a little extra with the bizzarness level.
You have been warned, please do enjoy!

That day was warm, the Sun was shining, and the Sky was more clear than past weeks. In fact, it was the warmest day after 2 weeks of cloudy, sad days and a week of dramatic rain.

''A truly beautiful day'', the philosophical corn thought, ''I hope sun will show up more than only this day.'' 
Other corns didn't think so much,  they were just swinging lightly, along the gentle wind, that wasn't too cold, but was nice, especially in such a warm day as this one.

The wheat was getting harvested and farmer's kids were playing near the field - there were two sisters and an older brother (around ages 7-11) 

''If only they were a little more quiet...'' our main character thought, ''this day would have been perfect.''
The kids were kicking a red ball, that was slightly dirty. Two older siblings were getting so competitive, that they didn't notice their younger sister trying to catch up with them. The girl stopped for a while and then continued to run towards her siblings. Eventually she got there and when the older sister and brother got more tired, she took the ball.

''Well played, little girl, well played'' the corn was proud. 
It was proud until the girl for some unknown reason threw the ball into the corn field

And there goes the peace. One corn even got injured! The philosophical corn was disappointed. No. Beyond disappointed. The older brother said something unclear, sighted, and went after the ball.
The search was full of anxiety- nobody knew which corn plant will get ruined by the boy's feet. The most anxious one was, of course, the philosophical corn.

Good news was, that nobody else were really hurt, including the philosophical corn. The bad news... kids were still playing right next to the corn field. This meant more anxiety.
And our main character wasn't the only one being nervous- the front line was scared for their life!

This time the boy accidently kicked the ball into the field. It meant more suffering, more anxiety and more pain for the corn. The philosophical corn started to get annoyed by this. It wanted to give these people a lesson: a lesson, that would make them to respect corn a lot more.

Another hour went full of fun and games for children, but an emotional rollercoaster for corn and other crops as well. Truly dark times, to say the least.

Then, something happened
Something more expected this time.
The youngest sister threw the ball into the field again,
this time it actually hit the philosophical corn.

''That's it. I am done with these irresponsible beings!'' It was angry. Very angry. And the pain, oh the pain! It was miserable!

Then something really unexpected happened.

The corn felt something weird. It had to do something! To give a lesson to those children. It felt its leaves being stronger, it expanded! The leaves became so advanced, it turned into hands. Very big hands. The stem and the corn itself also felt a lot warmer, it grew in size and kept expanding. The corn has never felt more powerful than before!
Eventually our philosopher turned into a giant.

Since the shadow became bigger for children, they turned over and all they could do is widen their eyes and drop their jaw open. They stared at each other for good 5 minutes.

''IT'S A GIANT! A CORN GIANT!!!'' Screamed the youngest sister. She was the first one to run away.
''RUN!!!'' The older brother shouted and followed his younger sibling. The middle girl tried to catch up with others.

The corn stood there and watched the kids running away and panicking. It was proud, that it gave them a lesson. The rest of the field were silent from shock.

''Hey, I want to do the same!'' other (not so beautiful) corn said.
''Yeah, me too!'' someone else shouted.
''Me three!!" other (a bit prettier) corn made a shrill sound.
''How did You do that?'' another one got involved.
''Why does it have to be You?'' (an average) corn asked in a very annoying voice.

The argument between other corns became even louder and high-pitched than the laughs of children. The corn giant just wanted silence and peace, so since it could walk, it decided to walk away from it's annoying field mates. 

However, it wasn't a smart decision.
This is considered as the first not so smart decision the corn has made.
(Because it didn't have to make decisions before.)

Why it wasn't smart?
Because a farmer dropped his tools, when saw a corn-ish mutant having a walk around his farm.
Obviously, the first reaction was to think he was hallucinating or dreaming. There is NO WAY this actually happened! He shrugged it off, picked up his tools and continued the disrupted work.


Meanwhile, the children came to the house as their mom was minding her own business by writing some papers.
''MOOMM!!'' The youngest sibling cried when barged into the room. The mother sighed, as she thought, that her children got into a fight again. She putted away her papers and turned towards her daughter:
''I am listening, Liv.''

Liv couldn't even start explaining the incident, because her siblings also ran into the room and shouted in sync:

Obviously, The Mom couldn't believe this at first. This must be nothing, but a child's imagination, right? After she got flashbacks from the tomato and pasta prank, she shook her head:
''Very funny You three. Now, can I get to work, or You have anything else? Are You hungry, perhaps? We have grilled corn from yesterday-''

''Mom, this is serious!!'' the brother shouted, ''look outside!''

The Mom gave a sigh. Her children are pulling pranks... again. She got up from her very comfortable wooden chair and walked up to the window.
She could not believe, what she saw.

The scream was hysterical as she saw a huge, muscled corn giant walking around the farm. The children just stood there while their mother was panicking. For a moment she stopped, so she could pull her nerves together. She must be dreaming...right?
Wrong. She pinched her palm, it really did hurt: in conclusion, she wasn't sleeping.

''Alright,'' The Mom was sweating, she gulped and turned towards her children, ''Liv, Ana, Mark, You have to go to the basement. You cannot leave until all of this ends. Understood?'' The kids nodded and walked out of the kitchen. The Mom had to think now: what should she do? Should she call the police? Probably. Does her husband know about this? She should tell him that. But first, she had to call the police.


''What a beautiful day,'' thought the corn giant, ''The farm is impressive, to be honest.''

And the corn was right! The farm was, in fact, huge! Anywhere, where he turned, were fields of crops- wheat, carrots, potatoes, beetroot, cucumbers, corns (of course), and so many more! There were also 20 huge greenhouses and a beautiful garden full of different kinds of flowers. Right next to the garden, there was a big countryside house. Since corn saw nothing, but corn, the sky and occasionally the red ball (it could be considered as its enemy now) everyday, this was different! Like a whole new world just opened up!

The corn saw roads, trees and truly started to wonder: what would it be to live outside the corn field and discover new places... there has to be something more! The corn could take its friends and find The Pretty Corn to the journey as well!

The corn's daydreaming stopped, when it felt a sting in its left muscled leaf. Suddenly, it felt dizzy. It heard lots of shouting, and... were those guns? There were people trying to tie it up, shooting more towards our corn giant.

If it wanted to go out in the world, it had to escape first.

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