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After talking with both Ellie and killua

I felt like crying

In what world did she get to treat him like that
I wanted to kill the bitch

But for now I might as well focus on classes

Time skip (a few weeks)

Killua: hey, we haven't hung out in a while, wanna hangout today?

Y/n: yeah sure, where?

Killua: I'll pick you up from school

Y/n: okay

Killua asked me to hangout out of nowhere to be honest I kinda thought it was weird

I change into some nicer clothes

I've gotten over killua, at least I think i have

I got ready than herd a knock at my door I opened it and was shocked to spot a girl I've never seen before

"Umm, hey, can I help you?" I ask

"Yeah, I'm Ellie, we talked a few weeks back" she says

"Ugh, right, can I help you"

"Yeah, you can stay away from my boyfriend"

"Girl, I already put you in your place, if you have something to say, say it cuz I have plans and don't have time to deal with your shit."
I state adding a death stare

"Ugh, fine, whatever" she says walking away

Her exit vocabulary is limited to "Ugh" it's real funny

A few minutes later killua texts me again

Killua: what's your dorm building and number?

Y/n: building 4 room 245

Killua: okay, thanks

After about 10 minutes I heard a knock at my door

I open it to reveal killua

"Long time, no see" he says

"Yeah not kidding" I say genuinely

"So where are we going" I ask

"Just come with me" he says smiling


We walk out to his car and get in

After driving for a little while I notice where we are, we're back where we used to live, before collage

"What are we doing here" I ask

"You'll see"

We get out of the car and walk down to a beach area, an area I know all to well, it's the place killua first asked me out at in high school

I can't help but smile

"Do you remember" he asks

"How could I forget" I say reciting my promise I made to him all those years ago

He smiled a genuine smile

God, how I missed that smile

"Come on" he says putting out his hand for me to take

I take it and walk with him

"Y/n, you remember the promise we made?"

"Y/n, promise me this, you will never forget me, even if we part"

"Killua I could never forget you"

"Of corse I do" I say


"Oh umm killua remember that girl you told me about"

"Oh Ellie?, yeah"

"She came to my dorm today telling me
"to stay away from my boyfriend"

"I'll kill her one of these days, we were never dating" He says

"Y/n, I miss you" He says

All those feelings I lost over the years came flooding back in the matter of seconds

"I've missed you too" I say back being honest

"Like not in a friend way" he says again

"Me too"

"Wait, really?"

"Why would I lie about something like that"

"I don't know, I guess I just thought it's been years, I mean for all I know you could have a boyfriend or girlfriend for that matter" he says

"Yeah, nope" I respond

"Y/n, I changing schools, there is this program that my teachers say I would be good in, the program is at your school, I got into it" he says

My eyes widen, killua would be coming to my school

"Wait, are you being serious?"

"Why would I lie about something like that" he says mocking me

I laugh at his response

They say habits stay with you, clearly they do because I unknowingly hug him

Unexpectedly he hugged back

We stayed like that for a good 5 minutes neither one of us wanting it to end

After we broke the hug we stared into each other's eyes



"I've missed you so fucking much" he says pulling me back into the hug

"I have too, more than you know" I say hugging back again

"I know it's been a while so, do you want to go in a date" he asks

"Yes, yes I do" I say pulling away

"Okay, also you know how you said you have no roommate"


"Meet your new roommate" he says smiling at me

"Hold up are you serious"

"Yes" he says excitedly

"Well it's getting late I'll take you back "home""
He says

"Okay, thanks"

We drive back to my, I guess our collage and I go back to my dorm and head to sleep

So unexpected right?
Anyways thanks for reading

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"Do you remember me?" (killua x fem reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon