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Shift POV:

"I can't believe you're actually going to tell them." I said trying to make him second guess himself.

"Stop it." Sans said a bit angry. All 3 of us wore our hoodies over our uniform because we feel uncomfortable without them on.

"Wait out here and don't come in until I tell you to." Aizawa instructed us.

"Yeah sure teach." Sans replied.

"Alright class we have 3 new transfer students." Aizawa told the rest of the class

"Are any of them girls?" A perverted kid asked. The teacher was being bombarded with questions; before with his eyes glowing red he yelled at the top of his lungs:
"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" They all immediately were silent. "The bad time trio can come in now."
I could hear the class questioning the name they called. When we walked in the perv kid we hear outside screamed something about me being hot and Sans through him out the window.
"Anyways I'm Sans, leader of the bad time trio, I've got multiple quirks and I'm too lazy to explain them so I'll show you in combat training next period. This here is my bro Swappy and- YOU CAN'T SMOKE IN HERE DUDE!" Sans said yanking the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Yeah I'm Swappy or Carrot, I'm too lazy to do this and Sans stop sleeping..." Papyrus said with his lame introduction.

"Sorry bro I'm just bone-tired heh." Sans said.

"*sigh* I'm Shift Dreemurr, I also have multiple quirks and I'm not as lazy as these two so I'll explain mine. I can create and manipulate knives, teleport, and I get stronger the more sins someone has committed." I introduce myself explaining.

Then some big guy came bursting through the door and Aizawa told us to go sit down at the back of the class and we went outside. The big guys name was All Might and he told the class we were doing a 2 on 2 fight but since we had uneven numbers we were a group of 3. Some kid shouted "Look at these losers having to depend on each other because they have no friends HAHAHA!" Sans was going to tell them now so we all put on our serious face. 

"Heh, you're right kid we don't have friends... because we watched them all get turned to dust..." Sans said with his eyes blacked out. Every one looked a bit sad over it and a green haired boy was trying to comfort us. 

All Might spoke up and said: "Those who wish to fight these 3 raise their hands!" All Miht said and all most the whole class put their hands up and we told All Might to let them all fight us at once to which he agreed. "Everyone ready?" All Might asked. Sans nodded and we once again had to hold back... severely... [Play music]

Some close ranged and medium range kids came first. It was funny, Sans wouldn't let anyone near me which was bit suspicious. Sans looked like he was bout fall asleep from boredom. The long ranged one's were even easier and we took care of the whole class without going past 1%  [stop music]After that he walked up to me and said something about catch and he immediately fell asleep as I caught him in my arms. The explosive tempered Pomeranian started yapping about how weak we were and that we had to go past our limits claiming Sans was asleep from exhaustion.

"Shhhh don't wake him!" I whispered angrily while Swappy just watched drinking honey.

"HA! BABY IS TIRED!" The Pomeranian barked.

Sans woke up and he was angry, actually angry is an understatement. He said one word "boost..." the 3 of us felt a surge of energy and were serious as we closed our eyes.

"Now they're all sleeping!" Bark-ugo yelled.

"RUN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE!" Aizawa warned them but 3 stuck around the green haired boy, he peppermint and the dog. 

Bad Time Trio x MHA [Sans x Shift]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat