Chapter 4

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I honestly forgot about this-

Quick warning: Some of this doesn't really make sense. So if you're confused as to where this story is going, don't worry I am too

"And why am I in a neon yellow bib?" I asked, raking a hand through my hair

"Yeah, yellow's my colour." Stated Janus who was wearing a neon pink bib and standing next to me

"And pink is my colour," Emile chipped in, standing on my other side, wearing a bright orange bib

"Well, it's the first team game really. You all have to make it to the middle, find your teammates and grab as many things from different fandoms as you can," Said my dad, shrugging his shoulders and attaching a small devise onto my bib

"This is going to monitor your points, when the timer runs out the team with the most points win," My dad continued, putting the same small device on Janus and Emile

"A buzzer'll sound when the time begins." He stated, turning into Springtrap and disappearing

I sighed and tapped my foot off of the ground

"This is gonna be a long day," I muttered

"Lighten up, at least you have powers to help you, I am probably the weakest person in our class!" Janus stated, smirking

A loud blaring noise resonated around the area

I felt something knock my feet out from under me milliseconds after the alarm sounded

I suddenly was on the ground and Janus was sprinting away into the distance. Emile had disappeared

I growled and turned into Lolbit, glitching over to him and tackling him to the ground

Janus yelped as he hit the ground and tried to struggle to his feet

(For clarification, Janus was the one who knocked Virgil's feet out from under him)

I giggled maniacally and glitched as close to the centre as I thought it would be

When I got there I saw Mazie, Elliot, Remy and Emile there

Remy and Emile were looking around for Meghan, both of them wearing orange bibs. Elliot was looking for Remus and Janus, wearing a neon pink bib and Mazie was tapping her foot impatiently off of the ground also wearing a yellow bib

I glitched over to Mazie

"Hey, wheres Romano?" I asked, crossing my arms

"He's gonna be a while. Elliot and I used Ender Pearls and he's the only one in our team without any sort of teleporting ability," she growled

I sighed and grabbed Mazie's wrist

I closed my eyes and head a yelp. I opened them and grinned

Roman had seemingly seen me and Mazie and tripped up. He was on the ground and looking up at us

"Hey Romano, we're winning this thing," I declared, grabbing his arm and teleporting back to the middle

"I still will never get used to that." He groaned standing up

"Well too bad. We're the first team here, let's grab some things and win this thing!" Mazie yelled


"How did we lose with four hundred and twelve points?!" Mazie yelled, throwing a netherite axe into a rock on the ground. The rock splitting in half, "We literally lost by eight points!"

"Yeah you did sucka!" Remus yelled, flipping all three of us off while whooping and cheering

"I sometimes hate the fact that I'm related to him," Roman grumbled

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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