Chapter 2

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I jumped awake after hearing a loud noise, I looked up and saw Shadow Bonnie grinning at me

"Damn you, Remy..." I muttered

He just laughed and melted into the shadows, leaving me on my own

I sighed and got ready in my usual outfit

I decided to not give everyone a heart attack today so I walked downstairs to the kitchen

I was met with a glare from Roman, a friendly smile from Emile and a plate of pancakes from Patton

I smiled and thanked Patton before sitting at the table with Remy and Emile

"Y'know you two aren't as bad as you're made out to be!" said Emile

Remy blushed from embarrassment

"Well... As an Afton it's easier for people to be scared of you, making friends is kinda difficult..." mumbled Remy

Emile smiled and hugged him

I was watching while eating my pancakes

I looked around and saw a faint glitch in the air

I chuckled and stood up

Everyone turned to look at me

I walked over to where I had seen the glitch and punched the air

There was a sound of impact and a groan

Glitchtrap appeared with his suit head next to him on the ground

"DAD! SERIOUSLY?!" yelled Remy

I burst out laughing

My uncle Vincent looked up at me with a glare

"You are too smart for your own good," he mumbled

The rest of the room was staring in shock at what had happened

My laughing fit was getting worse and my laughs were starting to sound almost robotic

I subconsciously glitched to the ceiling and turned into Lolbit

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I couldn't H-help but laugh at your stupidity." I said

I saw a column of flames shoot towards me and I dodged it with ease

"Oo-ooh y-yikes, that one was worse than listening to people debate my gender"

I laughed again and this time an arrow was shot at me

I deflected it and laughed again

"I bet you're expecting some quirky snack world reference or something! Here's one! That was terrible."

I then turned back into myself just as I opened my eyes, there were another arrow and another column of flames I couldn't dodge it in time

The arrow his me square in the chest and the fire engulfed me

I chuckled and fell to the ground

I heard everyone gasp, Remy was in mock surprise


Roman was frozen in the kitchen

He was definitely the one who shot the fire

Everyone except Remy and Glitchtrap was panicking

"WHY AREN'T YOU PANICKING ABOUT THIS?!" screamed Patton at Remy

Remy sighed

"Virgil get up you drama queen!" he yelled at me

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