Chapter 1

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1st Person POV - Virgil

Time to tell my parents... This is gonna go well...

I walked out of my room and saw my dad drinking his first coffee of the day

My mum was chasing Michael around with a pair of sandals

Chris was asleep while floating in midair

Elizabeth was hanging from the vents

Nightmare was running around in his plush form trying to jumpscare Glitchtrap and Vanny

Ennard was crying in the corner in his human form

Remy was joining my dad in the coffee addicts circle

Fritz and Jeremy kept walking through the house, and by that Jeremy was asleep on Fritz's back

Cassidy was sitting at the table looking like she was plotting a murder

Suzie and Gabriel were sitting with Cassidy

Charlie was hanging from the vents with Liz

Henry was trying to calm the chaos

And I had just woken up, too tired to deal with this shit

I took a deep breath and yelled


Immediately the chaos stopped

Everyone turned to face me and I just turned around and walked back into my room...

I closed the door and chuckled to myself

That chuckle turned into a giggle and suddenly I was laughing uncontrollably

I glitched to the other side of my room and turned into Lolbit

I hadn't told them that Remy had also gotten in but they didn't need to know that

My laughing fit calmed down and I glitched back into the kitchen

Ennard had rescued Mike and the two of them were now hanging from the vents with Liz and Charlie

Chris had woken up and had probably taken Nightmare and Goldie back to his room to play UNO

My parents were discussing something while Glitchtrap and Vanny were staring at Remy in shock

The Originals had disappeared and Henry was now sitting at the table with a plate of waffles

I chuckled and walked over to my parents

"So~ When do Remy and I leave?" I asked

My dad chuckled and shook his head

"You can leave tomorrow morning, the school is in between MHA and PJO isn't it?" he asked

I nodded and smiled

He gave me a quick hug as did my mum

"Well! We should probably get packed..." I muttered

I looked back over at Remy and he was laughing nervously

"Uncle Vince?" I asked Glitchtrap and Vanny were still frozen

Remy laughed and slowly walked towards his room, we had successfully broken his parents

"I'll get my brother..." muttered my dad

He walked over to Glitchtrap and slapped him, the suit head flew off and hit Henry in the back of the head

He groaned and hit his head off of the table

I laughed and glitched back into my room to get everything that I needed

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